"We must ensure that AI is designed to help humanity thrive, with the utmost attention paid to its ethical implications."
-Max Tegmark, Physicist and AI Researcher

Ten years ago, educators from all around the world gathered for a 10-week, highly interactive exploration of educational technology and media through a massive open online course organized and facilitated by Dr. Alec Couros and a group of innovative co-conspirators in learning. When the course formally concluded, the community decided to stick around a bit longer and recently held its tenth annual anniversary reunion online.

We are still growing and learning and hope you will want to as well. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is about to rapidly transform every aspect of our lives. As we enter this new era we hope you will join us on a journey to explore new technologies while keeping a focus on making the world a better place, keeping humanity in mind.

You can learn more about ETMOOC2's 2023 co-conspirators here.