PreK - 2nd
Ethnic Studies Units
Me and My Family
This unit is an appreciation of diversity as we are learning about each student in our class and in so doing, dispelling myths about our different cultures. We are learning about Oakland history because our families are from Oakland or came to Oakland from somewhere else. Our explorations of self and family are aimed at dismantling anti-Black racism and white supremacy because we are addressing colorism in the students' self explorations with portraits, art, books and conversations that reflect them and their families. Also, we are inviting students and their families to share themselves and their culture with effort for them not to have to assimilate to a norm.
I Can be brave like ruby and malala
Rediscovering my neighborhood
This unit is an appreciation of the history of the Oakland Bay Area and its origins as Ohlone Land. Our explorations of local history are aimed at dismantling anti-Black racism and white supremacy because we are identifying the original people who are indigenous to the East Bay Area of California and developing an understanding and appreciation for sacred sites throughout the East Bay. Understanding the history of the place they live will help students understand their own power and positionality within this space. We are inviting students to speak up or do something for what is right or fair as they learn what is harmful and helpful to their community or to the earth.
Service Based Learning for our Communities
1st grade
Recognizing leadership / change makers within self, families and communities
2nd Grade