Cultural and Social Dimensions of Games

Metagame Book Club: Game Studies. "Cultural and Social Dimensions of Games" by Sherry Jones. Published: July 30, 2014. Last updated: Jan. 14, 2019.

**This page was first published on the Metagame Book Club.

Welcome to Week 3 of Track 1: Game Studies reading club! Finally, we will be reading the main assigned book, "The Meaning of Video Games: Gaming and Textual Strategies" by Steven E. Jones! The seminal book will allow us to explore the social and cultural dimensions of digital games in the forms of paratexts and transmedia. Along with the book, I have also assigned a research-based article by Jane McGonigal that details the political and activist aspects of the collective gaming phenomenon. I think you will find both readings interesting and insightful of how the gaming phenomenon influences our social actions and behaviors.

There are only 2 main readings for this week (although the first reading will take up most of your time). I also recommend some optional readings below the main readings. For the sake of clarity, I have organized the texts in a linear fashion, under subheadings, to be read in successive order. Enjoy!

-- Sherry Jones (Track 1: Game Studies Facilitator)

**This week's recorded live streaming video is published at the end of the page.

Main Readings

(Chapters Covered in p. 1-126)

Ch. 1 - Introduction

Ch. 2 - The Game of Lost

Ch. 3 - Collecting Katamari Damacy

Ch. 4 - The Halo Universe

Ch. 5 - The Game Behind Facade

Optional Readings

(Chapters Covered in p. 127-173)

Ch. 5 - The Wii Platform

Ch. 6 - Anticipating Spore

Recorded Live Streaming Video (Review of This Week's Readings)

Published: August 5, 2014, 5pm-6:30pm MST.