Games and Psychology Series

Metagame Book Club: Game Studies. "Games and Psychology Series" by Sherry Jones. Published Nov. 1, 2015. Last Updated: Jan. 19, 2019.

**This page was first published on the Metagame Book Club.

Image Source: Screenshot of the game Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer from Now This News.

This first track, facilitated by instructor, Sherry Jones, will offer readings that focus on the relationship between games and psychology. The relationship will be explored in two ways: 1) We will explore some psychological principles that can help explain why games influence our thinking and behavior in certain ways; 2) We will discuss how game designers, from both commercial and indie game studios, are employing psychological principles to inform their game design process. For those who are interested in incorporating games in education, learning about how psychology informs game design can help you understand how games can influence the learning environment in profound ways.

Sherry Jones will feature Open Access (OA) academic articles and a variety of multimodal texts to facilitate readings and discussions.