Since their first appearance in 2004, the demand for podcasts has seen steady growth over time. One characteristic of podcasts that has most certainly played a big role in the media’s popularity has been its strong accessibility factor. Not only can listeners choose what they wish to consume but they can also choose when, where and how to do so.



An episode of a podcast, once released, exists on the internet almost indefinitely with Steve Jobs famously even describing podcasts as the TiVo of audio. Subscribers can thus consume a podcast whenever it suits them as there is no exact time that you have to tune in to catch the latest episode. However, most people choose to listen to podcasts when at home or during their daily commute to work but the possibilities are truly nearly endless.


You can access podcasts on computers or mobile devices with an internet connection, by searching for popular podcast platforms like iTunes, Spotify, Google podcasts, Blubrry, or TuneIn (these are just a few!). On mobile devices, you can use designated apps or download and play them through built-in audio players.

Smartphones are particularly well-suited to podcasts, with iOS and Android both flaunting built-in apps where you can explore, subscribe to, download, and listen to programs, all in one place. The ability to listen to this media on and offline makes it a natural fit to be enjoyed on-the-go, too!


Listening to a podcast is as easy as clicking on the desired episode on a podcast listening platform in a browser or in the app on your mobile device. Once the audio starts playing, you can further customize your listening experience by making use of the pause, rewind, replay or speed at which an episode is played functions to suit your style.

Since there are millions of podcasts out there, you might want a way to find podcasts that suit your interests. Some options to consider using on your podcast player include going through the player’s listing directory per genre, keyword searches or looking at the featured section.


Podcasts introduced portability, accessibility, and a near-endless selection of topics on demand. This last point in particular has proven successful in creating communities and connections over shared interests and this, combined with a lack of pressure to cater to mass audiences, means that podcast creators can focus on their enthusiasm for the topics that the listeners love. This democratic medium is filled with distinct personalities, cultural innovation, and companionship over shared passions. Listeners are provided with information, inspiration, entertainment, enlightenment, emotional engagement, companionship, and a sense that we are not alone.


To gain a better understanding of exactly who might be listening or tuning in to podcasts and what listeners’ preferences are regarding consuming this media type we have put together an infographic from poll data in the US along with information from the Nielsen and Edison companies (Newman, 2020; Jovic, 2020; Thorpe, E. K., 2019; Whitner, 2020; Winn, 2020). If you'd like to download your own copy of the infographic for future use, please click here.