
As part of our OER we have prepared a two-stage interactivity to let you learn about and assess a few different AR applications and technologies.

Interactivity 1

There are a number of mobile apps which attempt to bring AR into STEM classrooms. Here is a selection of some of the best ones we could find. Look at least 3 of these and assess them in terms of:

  1. Instructional value & effectiveness - does the use of AR and content significantly enhance the learning experience? Why yes/not?
  2. Effect on the user – what do you think about the overall user experience and opportunities for improvement in this app?

Choose the app you found most interesting and share your thoughts on the Padlet below. (As we are assuming you are reading this on a mobile device, the links below are mostly to download the apps though a few are to videos about the app or the designer website. They are all free or free-to-try).

  1. Quiver
  2. Elements 4D (youtube)
  3. Star Walk: (Apple / Android)
  4. AR-3D science (Android)
  5. Fetch! Lunch Rush (AR math) (Apple)
  6. Magicplan (Apple)
  7. ScienceAR (youtube)

Interactivity 2: Have a go at AR

Here you will have a chance to try creating an AR experience.

The activity focuses on HP Reveal, which you have already seen in our OER, but if you still aren't convinced, you can watch the video to the right to see how it can be used in the classroom.


  1. Download the HP Reveal App (Aurasma) from the App Store or Google Play and install it on your mobile device.
  2. Choose a topic and trigger image: This can be a STEM-related topic if you are interested in STEM or something different. You will need to first create a trigger image – a photo of something you have at home or at work, a photo from a book/magazine, or a different kind of visual.
  3. Make the overlay video: Record a video with your mobile device of you either (1) saying something new/interesting about the topic related to your trigger image OR (2) asking some questions about it which you think others should consider. Feel free to keep this fairly short and sweet but interesting to the viewer.
  4. Log-in: Open your HP Reveal app on your mobile device and log-in to our shared space using these credentials:

Username: etec523w19

Password: Week6AR

5. Make your new Aura using this video tutorial below.

6. Name your Aura with your name and share it to the ‘Etec523w19 play’ channel.

7. Test: Click on the blue square in the middle bottom of the screen and point your camera at your trigger item. That should play your video overlay on your device. Then share the experience with someone else (perhaps have someone try HP Reveal on the trigger image using your phone without first telling them what will happen).

8. Share your thoughts about HP Reveal on the Padlet below. If you want, you can also upload the trigger picture for your aura, so that everyone else can check out your product.