Augmented Reality and STEM Education

Welcome to our OER on Augmented Reality and STEM education. This OER utilizes HP Reveal to provide learners with the opportunity to see Augmented Reality used in an educational context. If you have not done so already, we encourage you to download HP Reveal, a free to use augmented reality App for your mobile device. Tap the link below to for detailed instructions on how to setup HP Reveal on your mobile device.

Learning Goals

  • Provide a comprehensive overview of Augmented Reality technology
  • Outline some of the engaging ways Augmented Reality is currently being utilized in STEM education
  • Experience Augmented Reality by interacting with the Augmented Reality markers located throughout the OER
  • Engage in a reflective and critical discussions on Augmented Reality


  • Augmented Reality Survey - Share your experience with Augmented Reality
  • What is Augmented Reality, what is it not?
  • Augmented Reality in STEM education
  • Examples Current applications of Augmented Reality in STEM education
  • Challenges and benefits
  • We encourage you to participate in our learning activities

About the Authors

Scan the author's picture to learn a little bit about them.





Augmented reality eye (header) - Getty Images

Augmented Reality Icon by Jose Dean from The Noun Project