Augmented Reality and STEM Education

With the growing availability of low-cost mobile devices which support AR-based applications and the mounting attention given to the technology by academic institutions and learning resource developers, one does not have to strain their imagination to envision augmented reality as robust educational tool. Specific attention to sensory immersion, navigation and manipulation, helps AR technology generate positive emotions while learning, and create efficient and better learning outcomes. (Cheng & Tsai, 2013; Wu, Lee, Chang & Liang, 2013).

Unlike virtual reality, which submerges the learner into a digital environment, removed from their surroundings and their peers, AR maintains the learner within their environment and among their peers. This is essential in maintaining class motivation, fostering collaboration, developing spatial abilities, and improving performance in physical tasks (Radu, 2014).

Augmented Reality within the study of STEM subjects

AR technology enables the visualization of typically invisible portions of theories, organisms, concepts and locations. This could be used as an effective scaffold to help learners learn about challenging scientific content. (Yoon, et al., 2017) STEM-AR based learning applications can be divided into two general categories: Exploration and Simulation. (Ibáñez & Delgado-Kloos, 2018). Exploration-based learning applications excel in life science topics in out-of-class settings. This takes advantage of location-based AR technologies. Simulation-based applications can be used for mathematics and physics instructional learning environments. This can be carried out in in-class settings by taking advantage of image-based or marker-based AR technology.

Limitations with Augmented Reality in Education

Radu (2014) acknowledges that AR imposes a cognitive load on students. Students may become easily distracted and overwhelmed by the novelty of AR. Lessons should be structured in a manner that realigns the learner with their learning goals and away from the spectacle of AR. Furthermore, students will still need help interpreting the information they’re presented with in AR-based learning environments. Although this is not necessarily a limitation of the technology, an educator should remain aware that their learners may still require clarification and deeper analysis of the content. Technological hurdles can also arise when introducing AR into a classroom. For many, interfacing in an augmented reality is a new experience and may require additional assistance with both the software and the equipment.


Scan this image to access this information in an Augmented Reality format.

The HoloLens is Microsoft's exciting venture into Augmented Reality. Learn more about the HoloLens here

Cheng, K. H., & Tsai, C. C. (2013). Affordances of augmented reality in science learning: Suggestions for future research. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 22(4), 449–462.

Huang, K.-T., Ball, C., Francis, J., Ratan, R., Boumis, J., & Fordham, J. (2019). Augmented Versus Virtual Reality in Education: An Exploratory Study Examining Science Knowledge Retention When Using Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality Mobile Applications. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 22(2), 105–110. doi: 10.1089/cyber.2018.0150

Ibáñez, M., & Delgado-Kloos, C. (2018). Augmented reality for STEM learning: A systematic review. Computers & Education, 123, 109-123. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2018.05.002

Radu, I. (2014). Augmented reality in education: A meta-review and cross-media analysis. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 18(6), 1533–1543.

Yoon, S., Anderson, E., Lin, J., & Elinich, K. (2017). How augmented reality enables conceptual understanding of challenging science content. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 20(1), 156-168.


Augmented Reality Icon by Jose Dean from the Noun Project