
Changing my mindset from a trainer's point of view to an EVA's has been a challenge for me. Typically when I look for a product I read a couple of reviews then choose the product simply based on whether I like it or not. As an EVA for this project, I needed to change where I focused my attention because it was not just about my choice. It was about making a non-biased recommendation to an individual or host of organizations on whether or they should invest in the venture. Just because I like a product and think it will work for me is not enough. An EVA needs to focus on the product as a whole, where it fits into the market, and if it has potential for growth.

This exercise allowed me to review a product that I new a little about but from a fresh set of eyes. The field of educational technology is becoming a big market and the competition out there is huge. Becoming a successful business venture is not easy but many companies like TechSmith have been able to find gaps in the marketplace where they see a need and through hard work have been able to differentiate their products, like Camtasia, from their competitors to remain a successful and growing company.

As I worked towards my A3 Assignment, I will keep in mind the valuable lessons I have learned from researching this company. TechSmith is a good example of a company that stays true to itself and its goals. The are passionate about what they do and truly want to help their customers build the best quality and effective videos.

About the Author

Grant MacLeod is an EVA currently in the Master's of Educational Technology program at the University of British Columbia (UBC). He works as a researcher and corporate trainer for a large company in the Ocean Resources Industry.

Created by Grant MacLeod, October 2020 for ETEC 522