BEA’s Global Market Forum features Read Russia and Russian publishing

Post date: Jan 16, 2015 7:42:21 PM

Book Expo America (BEA) featured Russia as the country of honor at the 2012 exposition. Read Russia, a literary Russian initiative sponsored by the Russian Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communication, organized discussions as well as readings and interviews with nearly 40 Russian writers on the exhibition floor. BEA’s Global Market Forum featured Read Russia and Russian publishing June 4-6, in panels and other presentations devoted to Russian book history and trends, and the Russian publishing marketplace. Monday, June 4 included a day-long program of panel discussions, including Russian literature in the United States market, educational publishing programs in Russia, children and young adult titles in Russian publishing, a critical review of Russia’s policy on copyright and piracy, the digital book market, and technological advances and challenges in distribution of Russian publications. The second day included a presentation by Natalia Solzhenitsyn about the Solzhenitsyn Archive, literary showcases featuring some of today’s most prominent Russian writers, and a panel of American Librarians on the state of their Russian Collections, and the challenges of collecting Russian publications. The American panel included bibliographers and curators from Dartmouth, Princeton, Yale, Harvard, New York Public Library, Columbia, and the Library of Congress.

Submitted by Patricia Thurston, SEES Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect (2011-2013)