Slavic Cataloging and Metadata Committee (SCMC)


The SCM Committee studies and disseminates information about cataloging, metadata and classification of Slavic and East European materials in the online environment, and advises on and develops best practices for Slavic cataloging. The committee sponsors the administration of the Slavic Cataloging Listserv, SlavCat-list, which serves as a platform for the discussion of issues related to Slavic cataloging and metadata and is open to all.

The Committee also administers two important tools for Slavic catalogers:

SLAVIC CATALOGING MANUAL : outlines and explains best practices for descriptive and subject cataloging of Slavic materials and related authority work based on the current cataloging standard - RDA

SLAVIC SUBJECT AUTHORITY FUNNEL : promotes and facilitates the creation of subject authority records for all subjects relating to the cataloging of Slavic materials. The funnel provides a framework for proposing new subject headings for inclusion in Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) and new classification numbers for Library of Congress Classification (LCC).

Roster of Members 2021-2022

Adrienne Seely (Chair, July 1, 2020, to June 30, 2022) - Chicago Public Library

Leszek Czubik (Member, July 1, 2018, to June 30, 2022) - Stanford University

Cammeron Girvin (Member, July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2023) - Library of Congress

Lana Soglasnova (Member, July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2023) - University of Toronto

Masha Stepanova (Member, July 1, 2020, to June 30, 2022) - Miami University

Larisa Walsh (Member, July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2023) - University of Chicago

Past SCM Rosters

Current projects:

  • Proposal to revise the ALA/LC Church Slavic Romanization Table

  • Survey on Cataloging of Foreign Languages Materials: Preliminary Results

  • Creation of a contact list/directory of individuals with cataloging expertise (with respect to language, geographic area, resource format, NACO/SACO, etc.)

  • Ongoing migration of the Slavic Cataloging Manual to new Google sites platform

  • Ongoing revision of the Slavic Cataloging Manual

  • Ongoing moderation of the SlavCat listserv

Past projects:

  • Task Force to Test ISO 639-3 Language Codes in MARC. See: Final Report.

  • Migration of SlavCat listserv to:

  • Task Force to Review Authority Records for Russian Guberniias. See: Final Report

  • Establishing Slavic Cataloging listserv

  • Proposal to revise existing ALA/LC Macedonian Romanization Table See: Macedonian Romanization Table Proposal

  • Slavic Cataloging Manual Guidelines Working Group: to develop guidelines on the maintenance of the Slavic Cataloging Manual (new submissions, editing, handling inquiries, etc.)

  • Committee's name change

Recent documents:

ALA Annual 2022 Minutes

ALA Midwinter 2022 Minutes

ALA Annual 2021 Minutes

ALA Midwinter 2021 Minutes

ALA Annual 2020 Minutes

ALA Midwinter 2020 Minutes

ALA Annual 2019 Minutes

ALA Midwinter 2019 Minutes

ALA Annual 2018 Minutes