

In November 2018 our project began with a gathering of Spanish, Finnish and Irish students and teachers in the small Tuscan village of Barga. Given that ISI Barga were the coordinating partner they were first to host. They took the responsibility of hosting the first event very seriously and created an exciting itinerary which you can see in the document below.

ISI Barga really set the bar on what a mobility like this should look like. There was an introductory session, a civic reception and great mixture of talks, workshops and cultural activities. The activities, along with the spectacular hospitality of the Italian team made this mobility a resounding success and created cross cultural bonds that will are sure to endure. Below you can see a sample of the events that were included in the itinerary.

erasmus schedule.pdf

This is the welcome presentation that was given by the Italian school.


After an introductory session, ISI Barga had organised local experts to present on the history of artisanship and agricultural methods in the area.

Various local products were displayed and the students gained a deep understanding of how the local landscape and traditions influences the cultural lives of the people of Barga.

During this excursion the students were treated to a live exhibition on plaster work in Coreglia Antelminelli.

Students were brought to the picturesque hilltop town, to witness a master craftsman creating plaster figurens. This is an unforgettable experience for our students, and as you can see in the pictures and videos below they had the opportunity to get involved in the process.

The museum made a generous gift of one plaster figuren for each school.

Museum of Plaster Figurines and Emigration.ppt


One of the most hands on experiences of the Italian mobility was a visit to the Cittadella del Caenevale. The Cittadella del Caenevale is the home of the vibrant Carnival tradition of Tuscany. Every year artists create a set of nine floats that form part of the Carnival parade. This rich tradition gives the people of Tuscany a medium to, critique, satirize and lampoon contemporary society.

Our student's were given the opportunity to explore the Carnival Museum to understand the rich cultural history of the tradition. There was also a workshop where students were able construct their own Paper Mache figures. This aspect was very popular with the students and gave them hands on experience in the creation of a Tuscan cultural artefact.

Cittadella carnevale .pptx