

About the Project

A.R.T.I.S.A.N.S: Artisanship and Recovering Traditions against Inactivity School drop-out and for social Aggregation Nature and Skills at School.

The A.R.T.I.S.A.N.S project was a a project was conceived as a project between four schools across in Europe. These schools were located in Italy, Finland, Spain and Ireland. The project ran from 2018-2020 and was funded by ERASMUS+.

This website is a digital exhibition of the project.

The following section sets out the rationale of the project

Many European countries live a contradiction: on the one hand worrying levels of youth

unemployment and school dropouts and on the other hand craft, agricultural and forestry activities

that progressively disappear with their wealth of knowledge, traditions and culture.

Is it possible to overcome this contradiction by linking traditional crafts, at risk of disappearance, and

young students who risk getting lost, today in school and tomorrow in a labour market that offers no

more security?

Is it possible in 2018, the European year of culture, to link the valorisation of ancient agricultural,

artisan or forest traditions with school and professional training?

Is it desirable that we can build a network of relationships and exchanges that will make student's

curiosity flourish, and interest in those crafts? These crafts have an intrinsic economic, social and

cultural value, that will stimulate creativity and curiosity for the uniqueness of the artisanal agricultural

work and forestry in young people often overwhelmed by the standardization of mass production?

Is it appropriate to do so thanks to international exchanges between countries with a past rich in

traditions, knowledge, craft realities, culture and skills, and a present sometimes characterized by high levels of youth unemployment?

We believe that all this is possible and indispensable and that the role of schools is decisive:

-because stimulating curiosity towards craft activities that can also offer occupational developments,

it is plausible to oppose school drop-out.

-because one of the objectives we set ourselves is to experiment, through the exchange between

schools and the relationship with some artisanal, agricultural and forestry realities in partner

countries, new training methodologies that enrich our teachers and offer students a stock of

transversal skills that help them to complete their knowledge and increase their chances of success

once they leave school.

- Because we want to do all this by trying the difficult but fascinating way of developing a fruitful

exchange between ancient crafts, manual skills and the potential offered by multimedia technologies

genetically owned by the new generations.

- Because we want to stimulate, through the exchange of knowledge and experience between

schools, families and agricultural and forestry factories in other countries, not only a curiosity aimed

at job prospects, but also the knowledge of other languages, cultures and traditions and the growth of

a more mature European consciousness, of a curiosity without prejudices towards those who have

different histories and backgrounds from their own, as well as the increase of awareness of how

much, works harmoniously connected with nature, are fundamental for the protection of environment.

The activities we aim to develop are aimed at teachers on the one hand, and on the other at students

between the ages of 15 and 18, and the objectives and results we want to achieve are ambitious:

- develop skills in students that facilitate job prospects and enrich their socio-cultural background,

thanks to the mobility between schools and collaboration with artisan companies.

- Valuing craft activities and their impact on European culture and history, as the cornerstone of the

training path

- Improve entrepreneurship and professional orientation of students

- Develop an educational experimentation that, thanks to the propos.ed activities, to concrete job

openings, to forms of peer-meeting among students, contrasts the scholastic abandonment,

enhancing the experiences of the realities in which the phenomenon is more contained.

- Activate collaborations between schools, artisans and families as an opportunity for learning aimed

at the work and the enhancement of traditions, identities and experiences of non formal education.

- Development of a toolkit that makes the educational experimentation exportable.

- Peer-meetings in which the older students motivate the younger ones to study and work life.

- Preparation of a tool that allows an advanced assessment of knowledge, skills and competences

acquired by the students.

- Structural agreements between institutional actors, educational institutions and crafts activities


- Preparation of a research, developed by the students, on the ancient trades of their areas and

construction of a database on the activities still present in the territory.

- Preparation of a digital exhibition on local crafts, their modern applications, possible innovations

and objects built by students with videos made during the training course.

If it is true, as Einstein said, that "Creativity is intelligence having fun" with our project we intend to

invest on the intelligence of our students and on the creativity of our artisans returning to have faith in

the belief that the partnership will be a success