The main smart contract of the project which creates the Equivalence Token V2.

WrappedEquivalenceTokenV2 (0xAe499c5Bf18afF6Bc03B71481c2D29745Df76239)

Classical ERC-20 token which can be swapped 1:1 with EQT and bridged between blockchains.

Smart contract providing swap between Equivalence Token V2 (EQT) and Wrapped Equivalence Token V2 (WEQT).

Smart contract designed to safely lock liquidity positions for 1/30/90 days required to unlock and withdraw it.
It also include function to collect fees from the pools and distribute it, the EQT part of the fee is burned in the process.

Smart contract providing data about price of EQT according to the Uniswap V3 liquidity pools.

In case the partnership with us is enabled, this smart contract is used to divide the funds from newly minted tokens among our partners.