We are sure that some people, who read about our project, will have great ideas how to further improve it. The partnership program exists to give those people a financial incentive to help our project to grow and become better over time.

There are two separate ways how you can be rewarded for your help with our project:

1) Partnership program related to the minting of new EQT

This part of the partnership program is intended mainly for the influencers and others who have effective means of promoting the project, because the funds it generates are directly affected by their efforts.

Funds gained from minting of the new tokens are divided as follows:

To apply for this program, you can contact us on our Twitter / X account.
If you apply, we'll first discuss with you what you can offer to the project and what are your expectations, if both sides will be satisfied, we'll add your wallet address to the payment splitter on the Polygon Blockchain for the trial period of 30 days.

After the trial period, we'll evaluate if your effort had any noticeable positive effect on our project.
Result of this evaluation can be one of the following:
a) to remove your wallet from the program
b) to keep it in the same manner - added only on the Polygon Blockchain
c) to add your wallet to the payment splitter of other blockchains as well

When your wallet is added in the payment splitter smart contract, you can use functions of this smart contract to distribute any tokens that are accumulated in this smart contract equally between our partners.
This means when you're the only partner we have, you receive all the accumulated tokens, when there is more partners, you receive only part of the tokens, but from the larger total amount, thanks to the combined efforts of all our partners, including you.

2) Partnership program related to the liquidity pool fees

The amount of tokens distributed in this part of the partnership program is not directly related to the efforts of our partners and will be targeted more towards the developers and content creators who will help us improve the project.

Funds gained from the liquidity pool fees will be collected in the UniswapNFTpositionLocker smart contract. Collected fees will be distributed between our team (25%), project (25%) and our partners (50%).
In case there is only one partner, all mentioned parties will receive 33% of the collected fees.

Our partners can either collect the fees from the liquidity positions when they decide to do so, or wait until we'll be collecting it. The same goes for the distribution of the collected fees.

Partnerships in this part of the partnership program can be long term or time limited, depending on each individual case.

To apply for this program, you can contact us on our Twitter / X account.
If you apply, we'll first discuss with you what you can offer to the project and what are your expectations, if both sides will be satisfied, we'll add your wallet address to the list of our partners in the UniswapNFTpositionLocker smart contract.

Trial period may apply and the addition to the list of our partners may be temporary, depending on what kind of cooperation would it be related to.