Wallet of the Project

Wallet address: 0x0e43021C84a30Aa21ea69EE523167F9515be771B

This wallet contains the funds for the project. These funds can be used in the following manner:

Wallet of the Liquidity Pools

Wallet address: 0x79C08ce94676106f3a11c561D893F9fb26dd007C

This wallet is dedicated for creating the liquidity pools containing EQT or WEQT on decentralized exchanges.

The liquidity positions of the Uniswap V3 pools will be stored in the smart contract UniswapNFTpositionLocker, which allows to lock these positions, collect the fees accumulated by the positions and distributed them. Address of the UniswapNFTpositionLocker differs for each blockchain, it can be found in the section deployment addresses.

Initially, the liquidity is not completely spread in full price range and the pools will sometimes need to be reorganized. For this reason the pools will either be unlocked, or the lock will be set only for a short duration (1day).

In the later stages of the project, when liquidity positions already have liquidity spread in the full range, the liquidity positions will no longer need any reorganizations and will be locked using 90-day time-lock.

Funds moved to this wallet will never be withdrawn to another wallet unless there is important reason justifying a withdrawal.
When the project expands to the new blockchain(s), funds held on this wallet can be bridged to such blockchain for the purpose of the creation of liquidity pool(s).

Funds Gained by Minting of New Tokens

Those funds are automatically divided by the Equivalence Protocol V2 smart contract in the ratio described in the white paper of the project, 95% of those funds are sent to the wallet of the liquidity pools and will be used to increase the liquidity, remaining funds are divided between our team, wallet of the project and our partners.

Usage of whitelist

Getting whitelisted gives a smart contract the ability to freely create new EQTs. To increase transparency, the Equivalence Protocol V2 includes functions to check the total number of additions to the whitelist and whether the address is whitelisted. Those functions can be used to verify the following register of whitelist changes: