
Google Sheets

1. EquatIO was designed so that users would not have to use latex to create math. However, if you want create or design your own stuff, latex is where you can do it. Press on the image below to try an easy latex adaptation to change the colour of the font.

link to google sheet

2. Click on the EquatIO extension in the top right corner of your URL bar to open the EquatIO toolbar.

equatio icon blue diamond

3. To start click on the cell with math and select "Edit Math"

edit math button

3. In the EquatIO toolbar select "LaTeX Editor".

Latex button.  Button reads latex.  popup reads latex editor

4. To change the colour of one item place the command: \color{blue} in front of the item you would like to colour and then surround the command and the number with { }.

Latex box.  Open squiggly bracket, backslash color open squiggly bracket, blue, closed squiggly bracket, number 3, closed squiggly bracket, plus sign, number  four back slash equal sign nunmber 7
blue number 3, black plus sign, number 4, equal sign, number sever

5. To change the colour of a all the items place the same command at the front of the line.

Latex box. Backslash color open squiggly bracket, red, closed squiggly bracket, number 3,  plus sign, number  four, back slash equal sign nunmber 7
number 3, plus sign, number 4, equal sign, number 7 all in red

6. Select "Insert Math."