Supporting All Students

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Universal Design For Learning

Although EquatIO may be necessary for


students as an Assistive Technology tool, it can benefit



staircase repaced with a ramp

Society has evolved from the industrial age to the information age. The industrial-style classroom is obsolete. Schools must seize the opportunity to integrate technology into the learning environment in effective and powerful ways that support improved student learning.

Copy of leading math success.  Link to document.
  • Experience has shown that learning strategies designed for special education students are often of value for students at risk. These include:
      • strategies that relate to the organization of information, and
      • strategies that relate to the oral, reading, writing, and visual aspects of mathematical literacy
  • For example, assistive and adaptive technologies like text-to-voice and voice-to-text software can help students acquire skills and demonstrate learning.
  • In an effective mathematics program, students learn in the presence of technology. Powerful assistive technologies should be used seamlessly in teaching, learning, and assessment
  • Technology can benefit all students by reducing the time spent on routine mathematical tasks and by creating opportunities for thinking and concept development.