Inclusive Housing

Goal 3

Vision Statement:

East Point residents of all income levels have access to quality, stable housing in safe neighborhoods.

Goal Description

Unlike other cities struggling with affordable housing, East Point is at the beginning of its revitalization journey and still has affordable supply while development pressures are just beginning to mount. Now is the time to align the City’s policies, programs, and investments to preserve existing units and facilitate the development of new affordable housing. The City can accomplish this by developing new sources of revenue and land, applying housing equity principles to the Unified Development Code design, strengthening eviction prevention efforts and supporting legacy homeowners, and developing essential partnerships that prepare East Point to utilize critical affordable housing tools like Land Banks and Community Land Trusts.

This page will provide a high-level summary of the vision, goal, and recommended actions for inclusive housing.

Inclusive Housing: Recommended Actions

Within Goal 3: Inclusive Housing, there are 8 actions. These actions are connected to five of the nine total strategies.

Please note that the following strategies and actions are recommendations to the City and have not been adopted.