Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Equitable Growth & Inclusion Strategic Plan (EGISP)?

It is a roadmap - a set of recommended changes in policy and practices that will remove barriers and create opportunities for all of East Point to be included in the growth of the community, especially as the Atlanta metro region grows. East Point’s plan will focus most on answering these questions:

  • How can the City ensure residents of all income levels have access to permanent affordable housing as development pressure increases?

  • How can the City ensure that tax dollars are spent, and services are delivered in ways that create opportunities for East Point residents and entrepreneurs?

  • How can East Point’s economic assets be grown for greater inclusion for all residents?

  • How can the City’s policies and investments improve the health of residents of all income levels, particularly in those communities most burdened historically with environmental hazards, economic disinvestments and limited health services?

Who is the Partnership for Southern Equity (PSE)?

Partnership for Southern Equity (PSE) advances policies and institutional actions that promote racial equity and shared prosperity for all in the growth of metropolitan Atlanta and the American South. It does this by focusing on four priority areas:

PSE has a staff of 20+ with expertise in racial equity, land use planning, policy analysis, economic development, community organizing and engagement, environmental sustainability, green infrastructure, affordable housing, energy systems, community health, and more. The team also understands deeply that East Point residents are the best experts on East Point equity issues.

I don't understand a term used in the plan.

Please visit the EGISP glossary to explore definitions.

What ward am I in?

Please visit this site and enter your address to determine your ward.

Who's my City Council representative?

Step 1) Visit this website and enter your address to determine your ward.

Step 2) Visit the City of East Point City Council website and identify your representative based on step 1.

How can I read more about the research and preliminary findings behind this Plan?

Read the Preliminary Findings & Recommendations Report that PSE submitted to the City in June 2020.

Preliminary Findings & Recommendations Report_Final Revised.pdf