Enrique Fatas
I am a behavioral scientist with an Economics background and tons of academic curiosity. I just joined the European University in Valencia (Spain; Universidad Europea de Valencia) as a Professor of Behavioral Economics at their Graduate School in Madrid, and as director of a newly created Behavioral Economics Institute at the European University in Valencia. I have worked (and I still work) for international organizations like The World Bank, USAID, UN and European Commission in the design, implementation and evaluation of public policies inspired by behavioral science. I lead the organizing committee of the Workshops in Behavioral Econbomics at the Europea (WoBE@E), with two editions in 2024 and three more coming in 2025.
As examples of my work (happy to discuss in depth my collaborations with international organizations and governments, if you contact me!), I have studied:
(i) Globalization and cooperation (published at the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, with Nancy R. Buchan, Gianluca Grimalda, Rick Wilson, Marilynn Brewer, and Margaret Foddy);
(ii) how help and commitment take teams out of coordination traps (published at Management Science, with David J Cooper and Jordi Brandts);
(iii) the role played by trust in governments and science in explaining compliance with public health guidelines during the pandemic (published in PLoS ONE with Cristina Bicchieri and others,
(iv) how intersectional discrimination towards Venezuelan women impedes them to access basic financial services in Peru (with Paulius Yamin, Luis Artavia and the collaboration of the World Bank),
(v) together with David J Cooper, Antonio J Morales and Shi Qi, in "Consistent depth-of-reasoning in level-k models" (American Economic Journal-Micro) we study the consistency of level-k models in the lab, and
(vi) together with Catherine C Eckel, Jordi Brandts and Shaun Hargreaves-Heap, we causally link political institutions and social bellicosity and performance in "The Democratic Peace. An experimental test of a causal relation and of underlying mechanisms" (R&R at The Economic Journal).
You may skip my cherry picking exercise by exploring my work in the research tab above.
I am also a senior research fellow at the Centre for Decision Research and Experimental Economics (CeDEx) at Nottingham University in the United Kingdom and the Centre for Social and Behaviour Change at Ashoka University in India, among some others institutions.
Feel free to have a look at my profiles at Google Scholar , ORCID, Mendely or Scopus. You may reach me at enrique.fatas“at”universidadeuropea.es