
In the last 20 years I have been privileged by the very generous funding of different funding institutions, being my role very different in different grants:

  1. The Economics of Formality, Scientific Colombia – Colombia Cientifica, World Bank and Colciencias (Colombian Government), 4 years, total budget of £4,800,000, joint with Carlos Sepulveda and Juan M. Gallego (PI, Universidad del Rosario), 2018-2021.
  2. A Behavioral Study of Post-conflict Policies: Guilt Aversion and Intergroup Contact, Colombian Science, Technology and Innovation Fund and Universidad del Valle, 2 years, total budget of $75,000, joint with Lina M. Restrepo (PI, Universidad del Valle), 2019-2020.
  3. BRIDGE-Colombia (Biodiversity, Responsibility, Innovation, Development, Growth, and Education) Global Challenge Research Fund, UK Research Councils, total budget of £6,700,000, joint with Federica Di Palma (PI, Earlham Institute), steering committee member 2017-2018.
  4. A behavioral analysis of de-radicalization, British Academy Small Research Grants and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 2016, £10,000 and €5,000, joint with Marie Claire Villeval (GATE, Lyon), Lina Restrepo (Universidad del Valle) and Catherine Eckel (Texas A&M University).
  5. Developing Behavioural Policies to Understand and Prevent Radicalization, Economic and Social Research Council ESRC Impact Accelerator Account, 2016, £10,000.
  6. Network for Integrated Behavioral Science, Economic and Science Research Council (ESRC), Large Centre Competition, 2012-2016, £3,400,000 (with Chris Starmer, Simon Gachter, Martin Sefton, Shaun Hargreaves-Heap, Robert Sugden, Ted Turocy, Robin Cubitt, Graham Loomes, Gordon Brown and Nick Stewart)
  7. Behavioral Insights into National Security Issues, National Science Foundation, Collaborative Research, NSCC/SA, award number 0905060, 2009-2015, $440,183 (with Catherine Eckel, Rachel Croson and Daniel Arce)
  8. Trendsetting and cultural change: Does network structure shape the dynamics of norm-switching? small research grant under the umbrella of Cooperation, Conflict, and the Evolution of Sociality, National Science Foundation, award number 1331418, $121,546, Texas A&M University, 2016
  9. The Intrinsic Value of Power, CBESS Small Research Grant, University of East Anglia, £5,000, 2015 (with Lina Restrepo).
  10. Tax Avoidance and Consumers Boycotts, ESRC Center for Competition Policy, University of East Anglia, 2013-2014, £7,300 (with Axel Sonntag)
  11. Experimental Economics, Excellence Research Group, Regional Government of Andalucia, 2010- 2014, €145.000 (with Antonio J Morales).
  12. Substantive Expertise, Strategic Analysis and Behavioral Foundations of Terrorism, National Science Foundation, NCSS/W, 2009-2010, award number 0752855, $165,438 (with Dann Arce, Catherine Eckel and Rachel Croson)
  13. Social and Economic Behavior, Prometeo Excellence Research Group, Regional Government of Valencia (Spain), GRIECES, 2009-2012, €471.500 (with Amparo Urbano)
  14. Theory, Experiments and Computation on Dynamic Networks, Spanish Ministry of Science and Education, Plan Nacional de I+D+I, 2008-2011, €230.000 (with Amparo Urbano)
  15. Experimental and Behavioral Economics Network (EBEN) Spanish Ministry of Science and Education, 2010, €25,000 (with Antonio Cabrales, Jordi Brandts, Rosie Nagel).
  16. Experimental and Behavioral Economics Network (EBEN), University of Valencia, €12,000
  17. Experimental Analysis of Markets and Organizations, Spanish Ministry of Science and Education, Plan Nacional de I+D+I, 2009-2012, €250.000 (with Jordi Brandts).
  18. A Worldwide Explanatory Inquiry into the Influence of Globalization on Cooperation, National Science Foundation, AOC, award numbers 0525222 and 0652277, 2005-2007, $124,999 and $23,058 (with Nancy Buchan, Rick Wilson, Marilynn Brewer).
  19. Experimental Analysis of Organizations, Spanish Ministry of Science and Education, Plan Nacional de I+D+I, 2005-2008, €250.000 (with Jordi Brandts).
  20. Laboratory for Research in Experimental Economics, European Union, FEDER Scientific Research Facilities, LINEEX, 2004-2008, €350.000.
  21. Experimental Economics, Excellence Research Grants, Regional Government of Andalucia, 2007- 2009, €125.000 (with Antonio J Morales).
  22. An Experimental Analysis of the Spanish Power Market, New Economic Thinking Institute, 2007, $25,000 (with Nikolaos Georgantzis).
  23. Experimental Analysis of the Formation and Stability of Dynamic Networks, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Plan Nacional de I+D+I, 2004-2007, €150.000 (with Amparo Urbano)
  24. An experimental analysis of status in organizations, Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas (IVIE), 2007, €5,000 (with Catherine Eckel and Rick Wilson).
  25. First Business and Economics EBE Meeting, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Acciones Especiales, 2006-2007, €12,000
  26. Experimental Analysis of Incentives in Team Production, Fundación BBVA (BBVA Foundation), 2005-2006, €70.000 (with Jordi Brandts)
  27. Experimental Analysis of Cooperatives, Fundación Centra, 2006, €35,000 (with Antonio Morales)
  28. Experimental Economics, Excellence Research Grants, Junta de Andalucía (Andalucia Regional Government), 2005, €50.000 (with Antonio J Morales).
  29. II International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioral Economics, Universitat de Valencia, 2005, €2,000
  30. Elaboración del Índice Global de Capital Social, Universitat de Valencia, 2005, €12,000
  31. An experimental analysis of incentive systems, Regional Government of Valencia Research Grant (OCYT), 2005, €35,000 (with Jordi Brandts)
  32. Conditional cooperation in public goods games, Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas (IVIE), 2005, €3.600 (with Rachel T. A. Croson)
  33. Asset Markets and Public Goods Games, Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas (IVIE), 2003, €3.600 (with Bruno Broseta).