Significance Statements

Assignment Outcome

  • Students will be able to apply readings from Unit 1 to their own personal thoughts.

Relevant Course Outcomes

  • Students will be able to recognize and articulate the value of studying early British literature.
  • Student will be able to identify and analyze the textual, historical, and cultural contexts of works of literature.
  • Students will be able to develop insights effectively through written communication.

Page Length: will vary by individual but must include Works Cited

Other: font style optional, SINGLE-spaced (with no excessive spacing or extra spacing in header around name, class, etc.), MLA style

Requirements: must include quotations from at least 3 of the readings from Unit 1; follow Writing Expectations

Turn in: on Blackboard, under "Assignments"


Throughout Unit 1, we have discussed the significance of studying early British literature. We have read the thoughts of others, discussed specific studies that speak to the relevance of early British literature to modern times, and conversed with scholars in the field.

Hopefully, at this point, you have formed some ideas about the importance of what we are studying in this course. It is time then to articulate these ideas. Considering everything we have discussed as well as your own thoughts on the subject, you will now create your Significance Statements. You will define a minimum of 3 statements concerning why you personally believe studying early British literature is valuable.

For each of your statements, provide a significant explanation and reasoning. Over the course of the 3 statements, you should use quotations (cited in MLA style) from at least 3 of our readings or Facebook discussions (these should be cited as well) in this unit. Thus, you should provide a Works Cited (in MLA style) at the end of your Statements.