INNOVATORS - Creative and Critical THINKING in COLOR with Six Hats®!
Colorful, Engaging, Brain-Friendly, Thinking
Innovative thinking is essential to differentiation and “beyond the box” thinking. SIX THINKING HATS® gives INNOVATORS and MAKERS colorful images of hats that encourage six parallel modes of thinking, eliminating argument. These powerful tools support creative and critical thinking. SIX HATS®, when combined with teamwork, provides us with tools supporting innovative thinking, designs and solutions.
The Six Hats® Desk Card reminds us of these 6 Keys to Thinking in Color! Use your markers or crayons to color your thinking.

The Six Hats Cards below were created by Jenna Brodhead, a teacher in Easton School District in Pennsylvania who attended Learner's Link Six Hats workshops.

"You can analyse the past, but you need to design the future."
Dr. Edward DeBono, creator of Six Thinking Hats!

Why Six Hats®?
The colors and hats provide a visual image that is easy to learn, remember and use.
Instruction begins with concrete experiences which are simple, more structured, and when students are ready, move to an independent, abstract, sophisticated level.
Interdisciplinary connections integrate the curriculum increasing retention.
Students ask quality questions.
Student led discussions, peer communication, and projects are focused and in depth.
Cooperative groups and teamwork are effective and organized.

Testimonials about Six Hats® Workshops -
I have never seen such immediate use of a strategy! Dr. Robert Benson, Principal at Foothills Fine Arts Academy, Arizona. (Artful Teaching: Live, Learn and Teach in Color)
Your presentation today was inspiring, engaging, and fabulous; you were perfection from beginning to end! Six Hats is going to be a perfect fit for our school, and I have already heard from several colleagues that they are ready to begin implementation. I cannot wait to see what we, as a staff, do with this and for your next in-service to focus on the green hats. I can’t wait for what will happen in the future! Teri Haugen, Teacher at Foothills Fine Arts Academy in Arizona
When it comes to children and teaching, Franny McAleer is a remarkable presenter, speaker, and educator. The teachers and students alike were so captivated and involved with the workshop, they were sorry to see the time end. Due to the way Franny presents the lessons, the students were very eager, focused, and willing to participate in the activities. The session was very exciting, stimulating, and fun. This is something the students, as well as the teachers, will remember and use throughout their educational years. I would highly recommend having Franny McAleer into your classrooms for hands on excitement. Teresa Davis, Coordinator of Gifted Services, Peoria Unified School District, Phoenix, AZ
Franny McAleer has been providing staff development for teachers in the Berwick Area School District for the last four years, including whole staff workshops with the Six Thinking Hats as well as focused workshops detailing best practices with instructional strategies for gifted and honors students. Many of our teachers know that when Franny comes to do in-service, they will go home tired, but it will have been a productive day. She challenges their beliefs and has helped them raise their level of higher order thinking within their classrooms. It’s also just hard not to have a good time when Franny comes to town! Holly Morrison, Director of Curriculum, Berwick Area School District.
Berwick Area School District’s professional staff was introduced to Six Hats® providing them a specific way to approach thinking and decision making for themselves and with their students. The toolbox of the Six Thinking Hats® provides our staff and students with a concrete way to approach decision making in the classroom. One student claims that this technique broadened her way of thinking; she now approaches her assignments in a whole new light, especially with cooperative learning activities and group projects. This thinking technique works both in the boardroom and in the classroom. Holly Morrison D.Ed. President & CEO. Central Susquehanna Community Foundation, East Stroudsburg University