
What Learner's Link clients saying about FRANNY'S keynotes and workshops?

Fran McAleer is a valuable contributor to our work, training to create a new and better workplace in our schools. Her efforts in exploring and experiencing creativity successfully engages even the most staid and conservative participants. She is a unique, effervescent individual who constantly models what she teaches. I recommend her work most highly. I would be pleased to talk further with anyone considering her services. John C. Champlin, Ph. D., Executive Director, Institute for Quality Learning, Scottsdale, AZ 85258, Former Superintendent, Johnson City Schools, New York, and National Superintendent of the Year.


More! More! We want more! The presentation was not enough. We want you to help us be as enthusiastic as you are and go to the level of success with our students as you do with yours! Skip Little, Ph. D., Northern Arizona University and Arizona Educational Summit Committee.

Franny McAleer’s workshops are invigorating, realistic and practical. Franny is working with a group of teachers and administrators from Hampton Township School District who will act as trainers for their individual buildings. To date, Franny has conducted monthly workshops on Differentiated Instruction with the trainers at the elementary and secondary levels. She makes the workshops easy to understand and comes with practical ideas for accomplishing her goals. The trainers are engaged throughout the workshops and Franny sets high, but attainable, expectations for the people involved in the trainings. The goal is for the trainers to take what they have learned from Franny back to their buildings, specifically their grade levels or departments. Franny will continue to provide professional development on Differentiated Instruction and act as a consultant to help district employees continue to meet the needs of all learners. Dr. Monique Mawhinney, Former Director of Student Services, Hampton Township School District, Present position, Superintendent, Highlands Area School District 

When it comes to children and teaching, Franny McAleer is a remarkable presenter, speaker, and educator. The teachers and students alike were so captivated and involved with the workshop, they were sorry to see the time end. Due to the way Franny presents the lessons, the students were very eager, focused, and willing to participate in the activities. The session was very exciting, stimulating, and fun. This is something the students, as well as the teachers, will remember and use throughout their educational years. I would highly recommend having Franny McAleer into your classrooms for hands on excitement.     Teresa Davis, Coordinator of Gifted Services, Peoria Unified School District, Phoenix, AZ

Franny McAleer has been providing staff development for teachers in the Berwick Area School District for the last four years, including whole staff workshops with the Six Thinking Hats as well as focused workshops detailing best practices with instructional strategies for gifted and honors students. Many of our teachers know that when Franny comes to do in-service, they will go home tired, but it will have been a productive day. She challenges their beliefs and has helped them raise their level of higher order thinking within their classrooms. It’s also just hard not to have a good time when Franny comes to town! Holly Morrison, Director of Curriculum, Berwick Area School District.


Franny McAleer is a dynamic presenter. She engages the professional teachers in active hands on participatory learning. She illustrates the importance of differentiating instruction through her quick response to the varied needs of the workshop participants. Her handouts provide valuable guides to implement differentiation of instruction within the classroom setting. I recommend Franny McAleer as a teacher workshop presenter without hesitation. Ruth Carson, Project Coordinator, New Kensington-Arnold School District.


“This workshop (Differentiating Instruction) got nothing but rave reviews.” Mandi Davis, Propel Schools.

Franny did a tremendous job of inspiring and engaging participants in a one-day training session on differentiation.  The participants enjoyed the group interaction and the practical tips she provided.  Ann Lupkowski Shoplik, Ph.D., Director, C-MITES, Carnegie Mellon University, PA

The presenter knew her topic and was open to all questions…  Franny created an energetic atmosphere!…..  Activities I can use!  Thank you for an enjoyable day! …  I liked Franny’s interactive workshop style. … Franny’s website is great. I’m definitely going to use it.  Comments from teachers’ attending the Carnegie Mellon workshop

“Wonderful in-service! I learned a lot and had fun! … Enthusiasm! … Lots of “low cost” and “no cost” ideas that I can use tomorrow. Good presentation to get us away from teaching from the book!” Teachers in Washington Elementary School District, Phoenix AZ.

Franny delivered an informative, energetic workshop to parents and educators from several school districts in the North Phoenix area. Her use of props and audience involvement helped the audience visualize her points. Her knowledge and humor were appropriate and well received. We look forward to having her back. Sylvia Myers, Vice-President, Deer Valley Association for the Gifted & Talented, Phoenix, AZ.

A speaker at national conferences, Franny, is A+ among the best! She energizes the audience to action! She adapts to the tone of the group while connecting thinking and creativity to all academic areas. Her experiences as a teacher and mother are humorous and inspiring. Always, motivating — a standing ovation! Kevin O’Brien, National Director, Invent America, Educational Foundation, Washington, D.C.

“The teachers loved The Six Thinking Hats! It was practical, interactive, and fun. They loved Franny!”   Ina Logue, Ph.D., Assistant Superintendent, Bethel Park School District, PA.

I have been very pleased with the sequence of information that you gave us during the two sessions last year. The teachers embraced the concept right from the beginning and felt that your program for them was a positive and practical body of information. I have lived through 20 years of in-service and have become very jaded about the things that are offered as a “one size fits all” program for teachers. But this one was so geared to meet the teachers wherever they happened to be in their professional growth, that all the middle level folks received it with enthusiasm and appreciation. Thanks for working with me to tailor it to our needs and for being the dynamic and personable presenter that you are! Suzanne Herr, Principal, Middle School, Solanco School District, Quarreysville, PA.


“Franny gives as motivational and inspiring a presentation as anyone I have witnessed. Her emotion and energy are contagious, and the methods and processes are ‘take back and use tomorrow’ not nebulous or littered with generalities. She is truly an educator in every sense of the word.” CJ Rodkey, NASA Cooperative Satellite Learning Project Coordinator.


“The workshop helped me realize what things I was already doing in the classroom that were included in differentiated instruction and how to make them more effective.” Marissa Romano, Propel Schools.


“Franny McAleer is dynamic and really gets the group involved, interested and enthusiastic.” Ted F. Rabold, Ph.D. Superintendent, Tuscarora School District, Director, Franklin County School-to-Work.


“Franny provides cutting-edge teaching strategies for those who want to serve as a facilitator of the learning process. She is a dynamic presenter with a thorough grasp of interactive styles that integrate the theory and practical side of education. A must for teachers/administrators who want to challenge their students.” David R. Rauth, President, Keystone Oaks School Board and Member, Allegheny Intermediate Unit Board of Director.


“This is the second in-service course I have taken from Franny, and I am hoping to take a third. She has helped me ignite creative thinking in my classroom through her enthusiasm and great ideas!” Sue Fleckenstein, Mathematics Teacher, Upper St. Clair School District.


” Franny is knowledgeable, energetic, and she gets both students and teachers thinking and living OUTSIDE OF THE BOX!!! Her positive energy is motivating and very contagious!” Lisa Cox, Teacher, Osborne School District, Phoenix, AZ.

“My mind thinks differently after her workshop. “ Alice Lee, Propel Schools.


“Franny McAleer has energy, passion and enthusiasm for education. Her workshops reveal creative, in-depth, student-centered techniques woven into learning activities, projects and independent investigations. She gives participants research-based concepts coupled with her practical wisdom of how gifted learners think, problem solve, and enjoy interacting with classmates and experts in many fields. ” Mary Frances Grasinger, PhD, Professor of Educational Administration, Duquesne University.


Awesome … Great ideas … Creative … Made me think … Enthusiastic and practical … Inspirational … Active … Covered the content in depth…. Comments from Allegheny Intermediate Unit Professional Development Class, Teaching Gifted and Talented Students.


“Fabulous, Bridging the Gap Between Gifted and Regular Education! The best turn out we have every had!” Central Greene Pennsylvania Association for Gifted Education (PAGE)