What are Franny's Graduate Students said?
Gifted and Talented in the Mainstream was the most interesting and exciting course in my program. Franny’s knowledge, energy, and classroom experiences were inspiring. Jenni Kaus Tellers, Graduate Student, Duquesne University School of Education.
Gifted and Talented in the Mainstream, a graduate course at Duquesne University, was a wonderful opportunity for teachers to learn about gifted students and educational opportunities for them. More importantly, however, this class helped teachers foster their own creativity and get back in touch with their original inspiration to work in education. Working with Franny should be a requirement for all teachers! Alicia D. Brown, Graduate Student, Duquesne University School of Education.
I truly learned a tremendous amount. It is difficult for me to “think outside the box” , and your class helped me very much in that regard. It gave me a new perspective on children. Thanks!! Bob Agliett, Teacher, Pittsburgh Public Schools and Graduate Student, Duquesne University School of Education.
Your graduate class, Gifted Seminar: Social, Emotional and Intellectual Needs of Gifted Students, was an excellent learning experience. Life changing to my teaching!! Joy Bernhard, Graduate Student, California University of Pennsylvania and Third Grade Teacher, Butler Area School District.
Franny’s way of making everyone’s creativity shine through was amazing. I will definitely take what I have learned and apply to real life. Thanks! Sara Kostley, Graduate Student, Duquesne University, School of Education.