
Books published by Franny!

T’NT: Talented and Thinking Independent Study Guides in a New Reproducible Kit ($70 )- a series of 15 independent learning contracts designed to provide in-depth, high level, creative, enrichment studies to develop students to be creators of original products! Each booklet includes a self-evaluation for the student.

Book A: Creative Communications: Speaking Out!, Creative Stories, Science Fiction Findings, Thought Provokers – Games Puzzlers and Codes

Book B: Science and Invention: Environmental Explorations, Scientific Experimentation, Interesting Investigations, Innovative Inventors

Book C: People and Places: Athletic Competition, Around the World, The Hall of Famers

Book D: Intriguing Endeavors: Art Adventures, Music Magic, Creative Poetry, Puppet Happenings

The Cartooning Bag … Drawing with Your Funny Bone   


The Thinking Bag … Adventures With Creative Thinking 


Creative Connections for Kids … 50 Creative Lessons by Students for Students  

Publications co-authored by Franny!

Articles published by Franny!