Hear from Experts

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Arbitration in America: Ask the Experts  

(Live Panel on Mar 27, 2019)

Watch this panel taping below to learn about how this practice that impacts 60 million Americans from leading experts in the field. And then learn how you can fight it. Panelists:

Professor Myriam Gilles

When Professor Myriam Gilles isn’t teaching at Cardozo Law School, she is likely writing yet another groundbreaking paper on the subject of forced arbitration.  Her article, “The Day Doctrine Died: Private Arbitration and the Rule of Law” earned the High Distinction by the Pound Civil Justice Institute's 2019 Civil Justice Scholarship Award. In the midst of her busy teaching and writing schedule, Gilles took time to share why she sees tech workers as essential to the fight against to forced arbitration.  @cardozo_law #endforcedarbitration #googlewalkout

Read her latest paper here: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4527841

Galen Sherwin (ACLU)

In February 2018, the American Civil Liberties Union joined 40+ social justice organizations to call on all major tech companies to end the practice of forced arbitration.  Galen Sherwin, senior staff attorney, is leading that fight. @aclu_nationwide @galenleigh #endforcedarbitration #googlewalkout #forcedarbitration

Professor Katherine Stone

Professor Katherine Stone at UCLA Law School is a - if not the - leading expert in labor and employment law the U.S.  She highlights the differences in the evidence collection processes between arbitration and the court system.  @uclalawschool #endforcedarbitration #googlewalkout

Lisa Gilbert, Public Citizen

Public Citizen amplified that call by sending letters to 20+ tech companies calling for an end to forced arbitration. Visit http://bit.ly/publiccitizen for the full list of companies and examples of the letters.  Lisa Gilbert, Vice President of Legislative Affairs, shared her message with tech workers in this two-part post.  @public_citizen #endforcedarbitration #googlewalkout #forcedarbitration #timepersonoftheyear #susanfowler #ubermemories

Forced arbitration robs survivors of discrimination and harassment from getting the justice they deserve in open court.  For too long, we have accepted the status quo and allowed corporate creed to cheat us out of our access to justice.  Lisa Gilbert, Public Citizen

Pipeline Parity Project

The students of Harvard Law School took on the biggest law firm in the country - and the biggest recruiter of Harvard grads - in protest of its mandatory arbitration conditions for employment.  The students called for boycott of Kirkland & Ellis by all law school graduates until the firm changed its policies. After their successful #DumpKirkland campaign, the firm dropped mandatory arbitration requirement.  The law school students sent us a few words in solidarity. Read their original statement at http://bit.ly/pipelineparityproject. #EndForcedArbitration #googlewalkout #MeToo #TimesUp #DumpForcedArbitration #dumpkirkland

Julia Duncan (AAJ)

When we first met Julia Duncan, Senior Director of Government Affairs at the American Association for Justice, we weren’t sure the last time she’d slept.  She’s been fighting this fight longer than most and had a special message for tech workers. #endforcedarbitration #googlewalkout #americanassociationforjustice

Rachel Deutsch (CPD)

Rachel Deutsch is a nationally recognized expert on the design and implementation of Fair Workweek policies to promote stable, predictable schedules and opportunities for full-time employment. As the Supervising Attorney for Worker Justice as the Center for Popular Democracy, she finds ending the practice of forced arbitration essential to letting workers access their civil rights.  Thank you to @popdemoc and @rachelanyadeutsch for their expertise and leadership in this fight. #endforcedarbitration #googlewalkout

Check out the webinar CPD hosted on this topic!

Special thanks to our friends at Sightworthy for their time and talent in this campaign. We are grateful for your support in creating the above videos!