
FAIR Act Retintroduced in House & Senate (2023)

Call your Congressperson to become a co-sponsor of the legislation. Rep. Johnson made the announcement in a speech from the House floor, and his bill has more than 80 cosponsors. Sen. Blumenthal introduced the Senate companion bill with 37 cosponsors.

HR 2953, SB1376

Call your Congressperson to become a co-sponsor of the legislation. Encourage him/her/them to contact Jacqui Kappler in Congressman Johnson's office. Read our statement submitted as evidence for the hearing!

HR 963!

The FAIR Act passes the House in 2019

The Forced Arbitration Injustice Repeal Act passes in the House on Sep 20, 2019!

Next stop?  The Senate!

Federal Laws

Chairman Lindsey Graham called for a hearing on Arbitration in American on Tue, April 2nd.  We've embedded the taping below - skip to the:  00:21:24 mark to get to the start.  Depending on your browser - you may have to open the site below in a new window.

Congressman David Cicilline of the House Judiciary Antitrust Subcommittee held a hearing on Thu, May 16.  We've embedded the taping below - skip to the 00:20:50 mark to get to the start.  Depending on your browser - you may have to open the site below in a new window.

Hear from a chorus of voices who have already spoken out on the issue:

State Laws

Until Congress takes action at the federal level, states will take bold action to protect their citizens.  Read this round up of what's happening in Washington, California, Vermont, New York and more!