
May 1, 2019

The Organizer's Toolkit

#FAIRPhoneBank - Toolkit
Click the next arrow chevron > to advance each slide.

Quick Links:

  1. bit.ly/FAIRPhoneBankToolkit links to this web page
  2. bit.ly/FAIRPhoneBankDeck links directly to the slides above
  3. bit.ly/FAIRPhoneBankTemplates links to sample text and images for media posts
  4. bit.ly/FAIRPhoneBankFlier links to a 1 sheet you can print and pass out
  5. bit.ly/FAIRPhoneBankSignUp links to a template signup sheet you can copy & customize
  6. bit.ly/FAIRPhoneBankCalls links to a list of phone numbers, scripts and links to fact sheets/trackers
  7. bit.ly/SenatorFactSheets for more information on each Senator who has yet to become a sponsor
  8. bit.ly/FAIRPhoneBank-Tracker links to a form to log the result of each call ... this is the most important link!
  9. bit.ly/FAIRPhoneBank-MyEmployer links to the steps you can take to figure out if your employer forces arbitration.