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10th Emotion Recognition in the Wild Challenge (EmotiW) 2024

ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction 2024, Costa Rica



Ninth EmotiW Challenge was organised at ACM ICMI 2023, Paris. [EmotiW 2023] 

Eight EmotiW Challenge was organised at ACM ICMI 2020, Utrecht. [EmotiW 2020] 

Seventh EmotiW Challenge was organised at ACM ICMI 2019, Suzhou. [EmotiW 2019] 

Sixth EmotiW Challenge was organised at ACM ICMI 2018, Colarado. [EmotiW 2018] 

Fifth EmotiW Challenge was organised at ACM ICMI 2017, Glasgow. [EmotiW 2017] 

Fourth EmotiW Challenge was organised at ACM ICMI 2016, Tokyo. [EmotiW 2016] 

Third EmotiW Challenge was organised at ACM ICMI 2015, Seattle. [EmotiW 2015]

Second EmotiW Challenge was organised at ACM ICMI 2014, Istanbul. [EmotiW 2014]

First EmotiW Challenge was organised at ACM ICMI 2013, Sydney. [EmotiW 2013]