Seventh Emotion Recognition in the Wild Challenge (EmotiW)

ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction 2019

For any queries, please email


EmotiW 2020 website

Challenge results are available in EmotiW 2019: Automatic Emotion, Engagement and Cohesion Prediction Tasks, ACM ICMI 2019.

[27/06/2019] Paper submission deadline extended to 8th July 2019.

[15/06/2019] Group-level cohesion and engagement prediction sub-challenge's Test data has been released.

[08/06/2019] Dates section has been updated with important information.

[16/05/2019] Errata- For the training data for engagement prediction in the wild sub-challenge, please note that Subject_78_Vid_3.wmv should be renamed to Subject_87_Vid_3.wmv .

[March+April 2019] Audio-video, group-cohesion and engagement prediction Train and Val sets are available now.

[19/03/2019] Challenge details page added. Dates section has been updated.

The seventh Emotion Recognition in the Wild (EmotiW) 2019 challenge will be held at ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI) 2019, China. EmotiW 2019 consists of three sub-challenges:

  1. Audio-video based emotion recognition sub-challenge (AV)
  2. Group-level Cohesion sub-challenge (GC)
  3. Engagement prediction in the Wild (EW)


Sixth EmotiW Challenge was organised at ACM ICMI 2018, Boulder. [EmotiW 2018]

Fifth EmotiW Challenge was organised at ACM ICMI 2017, Glasgow. [EmotiW 2017]

Fourth EmotiW Challenge was organised at ACM ICMI 2016, Tokyo. [EmotiW 2016]

Third EmotiW Challenge was organised at ACM ICMI 2015, Seattle. [EmotiW 2015]

Second EmotiW Challenge was organised at ACM ICMI 2014, Istanbul. [EmotiW 2014]

First EmotiW Challenge was organised at ACM ICMI 2013, Sydney. [EmotiW 2013]