6th Emotion Recognition in the Wild Challenge (EmotiW)

ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction 2018, Colarado, USA.


[October 2018] Second Workshop on Large Scale Emotion Recognition & Analysis at IEEE FG 2019 [LINK].

[14/10/2018] EmotiW 2018 schedule [LINK].

[26/09/2018] Accepted papers in the EmotiW challenge will be presented as both poster and oral presentations. The poster session is on 18th October and the EmotiW event is on the 20th October.

[02/08/2018] Acceptance notifications have been sent. List of accepted papers can be accessed at [LINK]

For camera ready preparation, please follow the instructions on https://www.scomminc.com/pp/acmsig/icmi.htm

[05/07/2018]Paper submission deadline extended to 07/07/2018.

[29/06/2018] Paper submission portal is https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/EMOTIW2018. The deadline is 05/07 11.59 PM IST. For format ACM ICMI 2018 paper submission guidelines should be followed. Challenge baseline paper to be cited-

Abhinav Dhall, Amanjot Kaur, Roland Goecke and Tom Gedeon, EmotiW 2018: Audio-Video, Student Engagement and Group-Level Affect Prediction, ACM ICMI 2018 (in press).

[23/06/2018] Dates section has been updated. Total number of submission has been increased from five to seven.

[14/06/2018] Engagement prediction Test data is uploaded on OneDrive.

[11/06/2018] Test data for the group-level emotion recognition has been posted on the Google Drive link. The Submission Results page has been added.

[11/06/2018] Dates section has been updated. Challenge details have been updated.

[17/04/2018] Audio-video sub-challenge Train and Val data has been shared. Challenge details has been updated. Details about the data and recording protocol for the engagement in the wild challenge can be found at https://arxiv.org/pdf/1804.00858.pdf

[15/04/2018] The challenge details page has been updated.

[06/04/2018] Errata in file name in engagement in the wild data. Subject_78_Vid_3.wmv should be renamed to Subject_87_Vid_3.wmv . This is applicable only to the download link through Google Drive.

[31/03/2018] Challenge details page has been updated.

[25/03/2018] Train and Validation data for the Engagement in the Wild prediction sub-challenge has been shared.

[20/03/2018] Train and Validation data for the Group-level Emotion Recognition sub-challenge has been shared.

[04/02/2018] Prof. Aleix Martinez (Ohio State University) will present the keynote talk!

The sixth Emotion Recognition in the Wild (EmotiW) 2018 challenge will be held at ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI) 2018, Colarado. EmotiW 2018 consists of three sub-challenges:

1. Engagement in the Wild

2. Group-based Emotion Recognition

3. Audio-video Emotion Recognition


Fifth EmotiW Challenge was organised at ACM ICMI 2017, Glasgow. [EmotiW 2017]

Fourth EmotiW Challenge was organised at ACM ICMI 2016, Tokyo. [EmotiW 2016]

Third EmotiW Challenge was organised at ACM ICMI 2015, Seattle. [EmotiW 2015]

Second EmotiW Challenge was organised at ACM ICMI 2014, Istanbul. [EmotiW 2014]

First EmotiW Challenge was organised at ACM ICMI 2013, Sydney. [EmotiW 2013]