
Here is a list of publications that include or make use of the EMERGE module:

  • Rodrigo Moreno, Frank Veenstra, David Silvera, Julian Franco, Oscar Gracia, Ernesto Cordoba, Jonatan Gomez and Andres Faina, 2018. "Automated Reconfiguration of Modular Robots Using Robot Manipulators". In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Evolvable Systems, part of the 2018 Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE-SSCI 2018), Bengaluru, India, November 18-23, 2018. In Press
  • Henry Hernández, Rodrigo Moreno, Andres Faina, and Jonatan Gomez, 2018 "Design of a bio-inspired controller to operate a modular robot autonomously". In Proceedings of the 16th Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Trujillo, Peru, November 13-16, 2018.
  • Rodrigo Moreno, Ceyue Liu, Andres Faina, Henry Hernandez, and Jonatan Gomez. 2017. " ThŒe EMeRGE modular robot, an open platform for quick testing of evolved robot morphologies". In Proceedings of GECCO ’17 Companion, Berlin, Germany, July 15-19, 2017.
  • Ceyue Liu, Jiangong Liu, Rodrigo Moreno, Frank Veenstra and Andres Faina, 2017. "The impact of module morphologies on modular robots". ICAR 2017.
  • Frank Veenstra , Andres Faina, Sebastian Risi, Kasper Stoy, 2017. "Evolution and Morphogenesis of Simulated Modular Robots: A Comparison Between a Direct and Generative Encoding". Evostar 2017, In press. (pdf)