
0-Before Starting...

Download and Fabricate the PCBs until obtaining the results shown in the Photo, fabricate a group of 4 faces per robot.


Print 3 faces Male and 1 female face and put the magnets with polarity as shown in the photo

1-Solder the components in the PCBs

Solder the electronic components according to the schematic, you can use any of these techniques:

NOTE: Before soldering the DC-DC converter, remember to set its output in a range of 3.3V to 4V, feeding it with 12V.

2-Solder the interfaces to communicate the modules

Solder the 8 pins on the PCB marked "face 4".

Solder the pads on side 3 and 4 according to the nomenclature printed on the component side. Can be solded with an 8-wire bus cable with a connector, each strip must measure 5cm.

3-Assemble the mechanical components of the motor.

Put on both sides at the marked height and at the bottom of the engine.

Put the male connector on the PCB 4. Next, hold the connector, the PCB and the motor base using screws, finally, attach the base of the motor to it.

Put 4 nuts on the bracket, then place a screw with a washer on both sides of the bracket and screw the motor. Finally, place a washer over the screw and insulate with tape.

Hold the 8-wire bus on both sides using a cable press, then connect the cable for the DINAMIXEL motor at both ends and place the PCB's 1 through 3 on the bracket.

Now place the female faces on the PCB's and screw them.


Buy the PSOC 5LP or KitProg for PSOC chip . If you buy PSOC 5LP, follow these steps:

Cut the PCB destined (PSOC 5 LP) for the USB connection (If you bought the MiniProg3 this step is not necessary).

Solder the terminals as shown in the figure with a UTP Cable.

Assemble the connector

5-Test programs

  • Download and install de Psoc Creator.
  • Download the “Robot_Test” folder from the repository.
  • Open the program and follow these steps:

Clic in Open Project icon

Select main Project and open

Now connect the programming cable to the USB terminal of the module

Select as the main project the application you want to test, and then right click on the application and select the marked option in the figure

Program the module by selecting the button marked.

There is a description of each program in the repository.