EMCRs database

This database is a public and open list of every early and middle-career researcher working on social networks. Each person has some keywords describing the type of work that they are doing and contact details. 

Sahir Advani, University of Maine.

I'm a marine social scientist interested in small scale fisheries and seafood supply chains. I'm from the Global South and have been fortunate to engage in interdisciplinary research in diverse systems.

Small scale fisheries, seafood supply chains, resilience, social networks, behavioral science, nudge theory.

Twitter: @AdvaniSahir

Emails: sahir.advani@maine.edu 

Brennan Antone, Northwestern University.

Brennan is pursuing a PhD in Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences at Northwestern, with a focus on social network analysis. His current research centers on supporting effective team processes, organizational communication technology, and network interventions. 

Social networks, network perception, team composition and assembly, computer-supported cooperative work, organizational communication technology, leadership, network interventions.

Webpage: https://brennanantone.com/ 

Twitter: @brennan_antone

Emails: brennanantone@gmail.com 

Akanmu, Amidu Akinpelumi Gbolasere, Delta State Polytechnic, Otefe-Oghara, Nigeria.

I teach and do research in the Polytechnic system, I have a BSc degree in Mathematics and Masters in Computer Science. I hope to interact with researchers of the same interest and can do collaborations with scholars too (especially collaborations across borders. I plan to set up a special research center which will be network analytic based in my institution.

Network Analysis ; Cybersecurity ; Software Development.

Emails: aagakanmu@yahoo.co.uk

Dr. Doina Bucur, University of Twente.

Assistant Professor, Computer Science 

Network data science, AI for networks, social networks, ecological networks, cultural networks, literary networks.

Webpage: https://brennanantone.com/ 

Twitter: @doina_net

Emails: d.bucur@utwente.nl 

Dr. Paulo Cassanego Jr, UNIPAMPA.

PhD in Business from the Universidade de São Paulo - Brasil (2014). Currently a professor at Unipampa - Brasil.


Emails: paulo.cass@gmail.com 

Daniela Cialfi, University of Studies Gabriele d'Annunzio Chieti-Pescara.

Daniela Cialfi is a cognitive and behavioural economist, heterodox economist and postdoctoral researcher at the University of CHIETI-PESCARA, Italy with particular interest in data and network science. Before this, she worked at Procter & Gamble. She holds a PhD in the Human Science curriculum in Economics and Statistics from the University of CHIETI-PESCARA , and an MS in management, finance and development from the University of CHIETI-PESCARA.  She also is a board member of the Society of Experimental Finance and the Italian Post-Keynesian Society. 

Neuroscience, Data Science, Social science, network science, behavioural and cognitive science.

Webpage: ResearchGate

Twitter: @Athene89

Emails: danielacialfi@gmail.com or daniela.cialfi@unich.it 

Dr. Alejandro Ciordia, Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB).

Alejandro Ciordia is a postdoctoral researcher at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Previously, he obtained a Ph.D. in Sociology and Social Research at the University of Trento, with a network-analytic study on the changing patterns of interorganizational collaboration within the Basque environmental field in the aftermath of the violent conflict. His research interests broadly concern collective action, social movements, polarization processes and social network analysis. His research has been published in international social science journals such as Mobilization, Empiria, and Turkish Studies.

Social movements and collective action, Interorganizational networks, Political discussion networks, Personal network analysis, Social capital, Cleavages and polarization, Mixed methods, Multimodal networks, Structural equivalence, Blockmodeling.

Webpage: ResearchGate

Twitter: @alex_ciordia

Email: alexciordia@gmail.com or alejandro.ciordia@uab.cat 

Dr. Vera de Bel, INVEST, University of Turku and the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute.

I study family networks during the life-course, with a special interest in parental divorce.

Family networks; personal networks; ambivalence; negative ties; well-being; substitution; compensation; intergenerational relationships.

Website: www.veradebel.com ResearchGate

Emails: vera.debel@utu.fi 

Amparo De Urbina, Universidad Externado de Colombia.

Architect from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, PhD candidate in Social Studies from the Externado de Colombia University, with a Master's degree and Specialization in Regional Development Planning and Administration from CIDER, from the Universidad de los Andes. Research Professor of the Social Processes, Territories and Environment group of the Center for Research on Social Dynamics –CIDS- attached to the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the Externado de Colombia University.

Analysis of spatio-temporal patterns of human activity, especially in urban areas, based on semi-structured sources (such as Big Data and Big (Geo) Data) and unstructured sources (such as telephone directories, historical cartography). digital humanities.

Website: ResearchGate

Emails: amparo.deurbina@uexternado.edu.co or amparo.deurbina@gmail.com 

Dr. Sofia Dokuka, Independent Researcher.

Till recently I worked as a Senior Research Fellow and Associate Professor in Institute of Education in Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia). For the last ten years, I was working on computational social science projects. In my research, I focus on the analysis of the structure, functioning, and dynamics of social networks in educational and organizational contexts. I used stochastic actor-oriented modeling, exponential random graph modeling, and ego-network analysis in my studies. I am especially interested in studying social phenomena based on digital trace data, and I am experienced in working with large datasets from social media sites and enterprise social media. 

Computational Social Science; Educational Social Networks; Organizational Network Analysis; Digital Trace Data.

Email: sofia.v.dokuka@gmail.com 

Dr. Alejandro Espinosa-Rada, Social Network Lab, ETH Zürich.

My name is Alejandro Espinosa-Rada and I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Social Networks Lab in ETH Zürich. Before arriving in Zürich, I did my PhD in Sociology at the Mitchell Centre for Social Network Analysis at the University of Manchester. Thesis supervised by Dr Elisa Bellotti, Prof Martin Everett, and Dr Termeh Shafie. Also, I was an adjunct assistant professor in which I taught courses related to social network analysis at the Departments of Sociology (PUC and UAH), the Department of Computer Science (PUC), and the Department of History (USACH).

Social Network Analysis, Multilevel Networks, Modelling Social Networks, Sociology of Science and Knowledge, Computational Social Science, Longitudinal Networks.

Webpage: https://github.com/anespinosa 

Email: alejandro.espinosa@gess.ethz.ch 

Msc. Regina Fernández, Universidad Francisco Marroquín,  Universidad del valle de Guatemala and Universidad Rafael landivar.

Im a psychologist and a researcher in Guatemala. 

Health psychology, political psychology, social psychology and prevention psychology.

Webpage: ResearchGate

Twitter: @Regisfdzm

Emails: Regisfernandez@gmail.com or regis@ufm.edu 

Elaine Cristina Ferreira Dias, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) / Brasil. Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz) / Brasil.

Phd student in Information Science (UFRJ) and Master in Health Management, Research and Development (Fiocruz). Associate researcher at the laboratory linked to the Production Engineering Program at COPPE/UFRJ (CRIE) in the areas of knowledge management, network science, big data and innovation. Researcher at Universidade Lusíada/Portugal in the project on social networks and digital skills (2021). Research experience in social network analysis, knowledge management and intangible assets, open data and digital literacy with an emphasis on topics related to health, education, public services and management.

Social network analysis (SNA), Organizational social network, personal network, Knowledge management, open data and Digital skills. 

Webpage: Linkedin

Emails: elainecfdias@gmail.com or elaine.dias@crie.coppe.ufrj.br 

Dr. Ignacio Fradejas-García, University of Iceland.

Ignacio is a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Iceland (School of Social Sciences).  He holds a PhD in Social and Cultural Anthropology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona for his research on the interplay between mobility and informality. With extensive fieldwork experience in Gambia, Chile, Morocco, Haiti, RD Congo, Turkey, Romania and Spain, he conducts research on migration, transnationalism, (im)mobilities, humanitarianism and informality. He has been the main editor of the anthropological journal Perifèria (2018-2021), and his work is published in various peer-reviewed journals such as Social Anthropology (2019), Mobilities (2019), Migration Letters (2021), Social Inclusion (2021), Politics and Governance (2022) and Field Methods (2022).  

(Im)mobilities, informality, humanitarianism, transnationalism, migration, networks, sports.

Webpage: ResearchGate

Emails: ignaciofradejas@hotmail.com or ignacio@hi.is 

Dr. Aaron Guest, Arizona State University.

Aaron is an assistant professor of aging with the Center for Innovation in Healthy and Resilient Aging. He’s a socio-environmental gerontologist whose research interest lies at the nexus of the social and built environments. Specifically, he focuses on the interrelationships among marginalized older adults’ networks, identity, activity spaces and health in order to develop tailored interventions to improve health.

Rural Health; Egocentric Social Networks; Environmental Gerontology; Caregiver Networks; Community Support Networks; Health Equity.

Webpage: https://search.asu.edu/profile/1899695 

Twitter: @Aaron_Guest

Emails: aaron.guest@asu.edu 

Shubham Gupta, Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India.

I am in the 3rd year of my Ph.D. and am working on the different aspects of real-time event detection in social streams. Before starting my Ph.D., I worked for Dell International Services for four years. Therefore, I have knowledge of both industry and research areas. 

Network data science, machine learning, social network analysis, and natural language processing.

Webpage: GitHub Linkedin

Emails: gupta.37@iitj.ac.in or shubham.gupta985@gmail.com 

Pooja Ichplani, Florida State University.

I am a doctoral student in the School of Communication. I am interested in working for health and well-being of vulnerable populations. I am intrigued by the Social Network Approach and its implications in health communication — which is what would be the focus of my PhD dissertation.

Qualitative Evaluation, Health Inequities, Social Norms Research, Cultural Studies, Interpersonal Networks, Social well-being.

Twitter: @iamPoojaicp 

Emails: pichplani@fsu.edu 

Dr. Pete Jones, University of Alberta.

Postdoc using networks to study screen sector inequalities both on and off-screen. PhD in Social Statistics from the Mitchell Centre at the University of Manchester. I work mostly in R. He/him. 

Film and TV; hollywood; gender; digital humanities; networks and inequalities; creative industries; character networks; relational events; network data; feminist media studies.

Webpage: https://petejon.es  

Emails: petejonesphd@gmail.com 

Zoran Kovacevic, ETH Zürich.

PhD-Student. Background: Psychology.

Cognitive networks, social psychology, social perception, social cognition, psychological networks, person perception, personal networks, peer and friendship networks, network cognition, methodology.

Twitter: @Kov_Zoran 

Emails: zoran.kovacevic@gess.ethz.ch 

M.Sc.Michael Kriegl, Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT Bremen) & Center for Ocean and Society (CeOS Kiel).

I'm a marine ecologist with a fascination for the interplay between ocean and society. I currently investigate small-scale fisheries management in Latin America through a social-ecological network lens.

Social-ecological networks, marine resource management, artisanal fisheries, small-scale aquaculture.

Website: https://michaelkriegl.github.io/ 

Twitter: @MichaelKriegl

Emails: michael.kriegl@outlook.com 

Diyi Liu, Oxford Internet Institute.

Diyi is a student on the DPhil in Information, Communication, and the Social Sciences at the Oxford Internet Institute. Her research aims to explore the issue of connection in the digital era. She’s fascinated by how digital networks boost the power of online communities, influence the way that social actors exchange meaning with each other, and ultimately reshape people’s social lives. 

Online social networks; human-computer interaction; platform governance; human-centred computing; computational social science.

Website: https://deeliu97.github.io/ 

Twitter: @deeliu97

Emails: diyi.liu@oii.ox.ac.uk 

Carly Lubicz, Queensland University of Technology.

After recently completing an MPhil at James Cook University, I am now doing at PhD at QUT's Digital Media Research Centre looking at polarisation in relation to climate change discussions online, particularly focusing on the interplay of media actors. This project is part of a broader team that are exploring polarisation and hyper-partisanship across multiple contexts: https://snurb.info/laureate. My pre-research background is in journalism, communications and the Australian government. x

Polarisation, social media, news media, environmental conflict, environmental policy.

Website: Linkedin

Twitter: @CarlyLubicz

Emails: carly.lubicz@hdr.qut.edu.au 

Ailed Daniela Marenco Escuderos, Universidad del Norte.

Psychologist, Master in Psychology and PhD. (c) in psychology at Universidad del Norte. Currently member of the research group PSICUS (Psychology, culture and society) as an associate researcher recognized by Minciencias (Colombia) and Director of the Psychology Program at the Corporación Universitaria Reformada.

Social network analysis, social psychology, vulnerable groups, armed conflict, engagement, mental health.

Website: ORCID

Emails: ailedm@uninorte.edu.co or amarenco@unireformada.edu.co 

Lewis Mitchell, The University of Adelaide.

Data scientist and mathematical modeller studying social media and complex networks, aiming to understand information flows in online social networks. 

Networks, information theory, computational social science, data science.

Website: lewismath.github.io 

Emails: Lewis.mitchell@adelaide.edu.au 

Esteban Muñoz, University of Milan.

Ph.D. Student at the University of Milan with the NASP Economic Sociology and Labor Studies Program. He holds a BA and MA in Sociology from the P. Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC). Member of BehaveLab (www.behavelab.org). His dissertation addresses the link between gossip, and complex contagion (adoption and change) of individual reputations, cooperation in the workplace, and emotions.

Social Networks; Agent-Based Models; Gossip; Reputation; Cooperation; Organizations; Social Contagion.

Website: ResearchGate 

Twitter: @estebanmsch 

Emails: esteban.munoz@unimi.it 

Dr. Caroline Nettekoven, University of Cambridge.

I am a neuroscientist at the University of Cambridge. I am interested in how different brain regions work together to achieve complex behaviours and how local neurochemistry underpins this interaction. I study functional connectivity of the healthy human brain and disrupted connectivity in neurodevelopmental disorders, using multimodal neuroimaging and brain stimulation techniques. I have a particular interest in the cerebellum.

Neuroimaging, Brain Stimulation, Cerebellum, Connectivity, Networks.

Website: https://www.caroline-nettekoven.com 

Twitter: @carobellum

Emails: crn29@cantab.ac.uk or cr.nettekoven@gmail.com 

Dr. Francisca Ortiz Ruiz, Millennium Institute for Care Research (MICARE), Santiago, Chile.

Postdoctoral Researcher at the Millenium Institute for Care Research (MICARE). Doctor in Sociology at the Mitchell Center for SNA, University of Manchester. Podcaster of "Knitting Networks" and "Cuidando". Chair of the EMCRs, and part of the council of Women in Network Science WiNS. 

Mixed methods for Social Network Analysis; Relational sociology; Care, gender and science.

Twitter: @FranciscaOrtizR 

Emails: franortizruiz@gmail.com 

Dr. Carlos Andrés Osorio Toro, Universidad de Manizales.

PhD in business, interested on the interplay between the impact of technlogy in society and society in technology. currently academic coordinator of the PhD in business at Universidad de Manizales in Colombia.

Social media, online social networks, entrepreneurship, influencers.

Email: carlos.osorio.toro@gmail.com 

Sam Palmer, University of Technology Sydney.

Current PhD student. Using social networks analysis to analyse behaviour in sport. Happy to chat to anyone. 

Sports, cooperative behaviour, collective behaviour, network dynamics.

Twitter: @samhpalmer 

Emails: samhpalmer@gmail.com or sam.palmer@uts.edu.au 

Dr.(c) Sergio Palomeque, Economic Department - University of the Republic of Uruguay.

Economist | Research and teach @deFCEA | PhD student @UBAeconomicas.

 Interest in knowledge networks - social complex systems - data analysis with R.

Website: https://sergio-palomeque.github.io/es/ 

Emails: sergio.palomeque@fcea.edu.uy 

Dr. Fernando Andres Polanco, Universidad Nacional de San Luis, San Luis, Argentina.

Graduate (2010) and Doctor (2016) in Psychology from the National University of San Luis (UNSL), where he is a researcher and professor in Psychology, Psychomotricity, Communication and Journalism, and Education Sciences. Professor of the Doctoral Program of the UNSL, in Epistemology and Bioethics and Research Methodology, Software-Assisted. Director of the Interamerican Journal of Psychology (Scopus, PsycInfo, Redalyc, Dialnet, etc.). Specialist in History of Science, expert in the management of computer assisted objective techniques. The main productions in journal and specialized books deal with the themes of: History of Psychology, Psychological Systems and related fields.

Bibliometrics, Analysis of Social Networks, Analysis of co-occurrence of terms, Historical reconstruction, Sociological analysis, Development of science and technology, Analysis of social groups.

Twitter: Linkedin

Emails: fernandoapolanco@gmail.com or fapolanco@email.unsl.edu.ar 

Miroslav Pulgar Corrotea, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

My research focuses on communities, markets, culture, cognition, and environment. Currently, I am doing a PhD in Social and Cultural Anthropology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona about sustainability institutionalization processes and their effects on artisanal fishing communities in central Chile. I use an ethnographic approach and personal network analysis to study the use of ecological information, community relations, social resources, and interactions in local fishing markets. I am currently an academic at the Andrés Bello University (Chile) and part of the EGO-GRAFO group at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Community, Markets, Cultural Analysis, Cognition, Ethnography, Personal Networks Analysis, Small-scale Fisheries, Sustainability.

Website: ResearchGate

Emails: miro.pulgar@gmail.com or  miroslav.pulgar@autonoma.cat 

Martin Pérez Fernández, Facultad de ciencias económicas y administración (UdelaR).

This paper presents a construction and descriptive study of the network of organizations that support the cluster of rubber and plastic companies in Montevideo and Canelones. The data was obtained from a series of interviews carried out through field work in the year 2022. Elements belonging to the theory of network analysis and social capital were applied for the construction and understanding of the dynamics and properties of the network. The evidence shows the important role played by the Centro Tecnológico del Plástico (CTplas) in the realization and coordination of activities between organizations in support of the cluster companies. 

Regional development, clusters, social network analysis, innovation, cooperation.

Emails: martinperez112000@gmail.com 

Dr. MC Ramos, Florida State University.

I am a sociologist and networks’ scholar. I obtained my Ph.D. in Sociology at Duke University. My research uses network analysis to understand diverse topics, including the organization of values, beliefs, and identities, discourse around reproducibility in the social sciences, and HIV prevention. 

Self and identity; culture and values; complex networks; text networks; egocentric network analysis; multilayer networks.

Website: https://mariacramos.com/

Emails: mc@mariacramos.com 

Francesco Renzini, University of Milan.

I come from Milan, I am a PhD student interested in Network Formation, how networks emerge from agents interactions.

Agent-Based Modeling, Network Formation and Dynamics, Network Mechanisms, Financial Networks, Experiments on and of Networks.

Twitter: @FrancescoRenz27 

Emails: francesco.renzini@unimi.it or francescorenzini02@gmail.com 

Laura Roldán-Gómez, Exeter University.

I am a second year PhD student in the Q-Step Centre at the University of Exeter. I am looking at how armed conflict in Colombia corresponds to changes in deforestation using network analysis methods. 

Social-ecological networks, relational event models, spatial analysis, environment.

Website: https://lauraroldangomez.github.io/site/  

Emails: laurarolda@gmail.com or lr480@exeter.ac.uk 

Lloyd Rothwell, University of Technology Sydney.

PhD candidate and academic.

Sport management, leadership, ego nets, social network analysis, succession.

Twitter: @lloydrothwell  

Emails: lloyd.rothwell@uts.edu.au or lloydrothwell@gmail.com 

Dr. George G Vega Yon, University of Utah.

Research Assistant Professor. I am a methodologist working at the intersection between statistical computing and complex systems modeling. I am also an avid scientific software developer, author of the R packages rgexf, netdiffuseR, netplot, ergmito, fmcmc, slurmR, and aphylo, among others. I am currently studying Exponential-Family Random Graph Models (ERGM) and prediction of gene functions using phylogeneics. 

Statistical computing, computational biology, ergm, hpc, open source software, data visualization.

Webpage: https://ggvy.cl 

Twitter: @gvegayon

Emails: g.vegayon@gmail.com or george.vegayon@utah.edu 

Dr. Yakubu, The George Institute for Global Health. Faculty of Medicine, University of New South Wales.

For my PhD, I am studying rights-based approaches for defining and addressing global health workforce shortages. Part of this requires me to study personal networks for health workers in Australia and Nigeria, understanding how they form informal systems for regulating health worker migration, and how they can complement formal governance structures. 

Diffusion of innovation, norms and values through personal networks; qualitative social network analysis.

Twitter: @mallamyaks1016 

Emails: danmasani1016@gmai.com or kyakubu@georgeinstitute.org.au 

If you would like to be part of this database, please, answer the next form in here.