
 Here is a list of conferences you can attend, present your work and meet other researchers working on networks.

Also, we recommend looking at the events calendar of INSNA here

next conferences

Dates: 27 June 2023 - 1 July 2023.

Location: Portland, EEUU. 

Dates: 4-8 September 2023.

Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia. 

past conferences with emcrs's sessions 

EMCRs had a session organized by Chiara Broccatelli, Francisca Ortiz Ruiz, Angela Guerrero Gonzales. 

It was organised as an online event for early career researchers and postgraduate students in the social networks field during the Sunbelt Conference 2022. The event had the overarching goal of bringing together researchers and PhD students to discuss topics around career development and to boost connectivity among them. This can incentivise problem-solving at an individual level while also providing the occasion to start a discussion on how to identify suitable solutions at the more global and structural level. The event is inclusive for all ECRs and PhDs attending the conference virtually and in person.

EMCRs had a session organized by Francisca Ortiz Ruiz and Zoran Kovacevic

The Early and Middle Career Researchers is an association that aims to create a community to connect and share what it means to be in this stage of an academic career. EMCRs have three main objectives: 1) to organise sessions during the leading network conferences for early career researchers to get to know each other; 2) to work on realising helpful workshops. And 3) to make visible the different expertises of each participant. The EMCRs event at EUSN2022 aims to create the space to get to know other early and middle-career researchers working with networks and discuss current and future research collaborations and projects. Everyone is more than welcome to join.