
The main objective of these awards is to make visible and celebrate the work that many Early and Middle Career Researchers are doing within the social networks' frame. More information will be coming soon.  

Awards committee: 

Associate Professor at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), Spain, accredited for full professor. She is an ICREA Acadèmia fellow (2021-2025) and ERC Advanced Grant holder (2021-2026). Her research addresses social cohesion and social inclusion. In particular, she analyzes the role that formal and informal social relationships and settings have in the production, mitigation, or exacerbation of exclusion and segregation. 

Assistant Professor of Statistics and Data Science, Carnegie Mellon University. My research focuses on the development of statistical methods for analyzing social science data. In particular, I am interested in question related to questions related to statistical network analysis, including how to model social influence processes and how to learn about social behavior based on large-scale relational event data. Other interests include the development of statistical tools for digital humanities and digital democracy.