Memories 2022

大湾区科学论坛 Greater-Bay Area Science Forum (Dec 2022)

灣區科創峰會  Greater-Bay Area Tech and Innovation Summit (Dec 2022)

Industrial Group Forum (Dec 2022)

Xplorer Prize Ceremony - 1 (Nov 2022)

Macau Science and Technology Invention Award - 2nd class (Nov 2022)

Macau Science and Technology Invention Award - 3rd class (Nov 2022)

Interview with TDM Radio (Nov 2022) Interview with TDM and Macaodaily (19 Sep 2022)

A rare Portuguese manuscript of the official report of the Embassy of King John V of Portugal to Emperor Yongzheng in 1725-1728 手稿本入藏儀式葡萄牙國王若望五世特使麥德樂朝覲雍正皇帝紀行(1725-1728 (9 Jun 2022)

University of Macau Long Service Award  (17 May 2022)

Macau Science Center Board of Directors 澳門科學館股份有限公司新一屆董事會  (1 April 2022)