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4th ELMO Meeting in Bergen, Norway 25-28 April 2023



Erasmus+ two projects Elmo and Citizens Inquiry combined in a joint transnational meeting in Bergen, Norway 25-28 April 2023.

The Citizens Inquiry project is led by the University of Hull (England) and has partners from Germany, Spain and Metis from Norway, whereas the ELMO (Environmental Learning through MObile devices) project is led by Metis and have partners from Greece, Italy and Spain. Metis along with the partner school from Valencia participate in both projects.


The two projects include different elements but share a common topic Climate and Sustainability. Both projects have focus on student activities, using mobile learning tools and various applications.

The purpose of the joint event in Bergen was to share the 4th case studies (student activities) we have worked on with our respective students and discuss the theoretical framework for our case studies, the so called iPac-model developed by Dr Kevin Burden (the University of Hull).

Read more here:



After welcome speech by Metis head teacher, Kjartan, and some sessions of the Citizen Inquiry project Dr Kevin Burden (University of Hull) made a presentation about Mobile Learning and iPac, with emphasis to the Rubric for Innovative Mobile Learning: 

i. Any activity you cannot do without a mobile device?

ii. Context of learning

1. Where does the learning take place?

iii. Role of the teacher and their relationship with students:

There were discussed issues, (1) role of the learner: level of agency?, (2) what can you do to make it more radical?  like the Intergenerational learning: examples: older students teaching younger persons; gamification (build in games).

After that discussion each partner started to present its case study 4 with respect to the the iPac teacher survey:

Metis: eco-poetry

Spain: The importance and recycling and recover waste


Sharing of Elmo Case study 4 presentations continued:

a. Italy: video where students discussed local environmental issues: transport, pollution, etc

b. Spain:  Powerpointpres, Environmental Learning through Mobile Devices: The importance of recycling and recover waste

c. Metis: Prezi, eco-poetry, design thinking, AR

After that, a dissemination workshop for in-service Metis teachers (about 25 people attended): Kevin Burden provided a talk on mobile learning, the iPac framework and innovation rubric. Tania, a PhD-student from the University of Hull gave a presentation on Citizens Iinquiry method. Each partner from the two projects presented their case studies.

Day 3 (27/4) – ELMO

Partners posted materials in the Itslearning Elmo folder ( eTwinning was not updated yet, so we could not post materials. The Greek team which is responsible for the project´s website will follow up. with posting: pics/videos uploaded from Whatsapp, the Case Study Descriptions and information from the Bergen LTT minutes. It was discussed the dissemination of the project via the school´s website and social media. About schools´websites all partners should post Elmo-materials on their school´s websites. Spain has a well-developed website and a new Erasmus+ blog, but still not an English version.

All partners worked on the final Elmo report in a google docs. The Greek team joined us online. Metis team is going to send the partners information about what needs to be changed/added later and also fill in the Mobility tool.

Day 4 (28/4) – ELMO

Day excursion “Norway in a Nutshell”.

Videos from meeting

WhatsApp Video 2023-04-30 at 11.23.50 AM.mp4
WhatsApp Video 2023-04-30 at 11.38.01 AM.mp4
WhatsApp Video 2023-04-30 at 11.38.02 AM (2).mp4
WhatsApp Video 2023-04-30 at 11.38.01 AM (1).mp4
WhatsApp Video 2023-04-30 at 11.23.50 AM (2).mp4

3nd ELMO Meeting in Imperia, Italy 3-7 October 2022


The Italian partner, Liceo Statale "G.P. Vieusseux" , hosted the 3nd transnational meeting of ELMO project partners, in Imperia.  The Norwegean and Spanish teams were physically present while the Greek team due to covid participated virtually from Aigio, Greece.


Day 1

We were welcomed by the principal of our host school in Imperia, Liceo Statale G.P. Vieusseux.


Thereafter a workshop on mobile learning:

Dr Kevin Burden, University of Hull, who is an expert on mobile learning,  explained how mobile learning came about. When the iPhone and the iPad was introduced, it allowed you to do most things you do on a computer, and yet you could move about without being restricted to time and space (for example the classroom).

We use the  iPac-framework to evaluate three important aspects with using mobile devices for learning:


Finaly that day a guided tour in the historic part of Imperia, by Davide, our host and the school´s coordinator for international projects and partner in the Elmo-project.

 Day 2

Case Study 3 and iPac assessment


Day 3

Two well prepared students from the Italian school lectured us about how to structure a debate and judging a debate. Davide has shared their presentation in the ItsLearning folder. This excellent debate method will be useful for the partners when they plan debate activities with their students.


Thereafter, we shared our Case Study 3 presentation videos. Here you can see Metis‘ contribution:


Day 4

Excursion to Genoa:

Guided tour of Genoa, by Davide, our Italian hosts Davide and Emanuela

2nd ELMO Meeting in Valencia, Spain 4-8 April 2022


Erasmus+ two projects Elmo and Citizens Inquiry combined in a joint transnational meeting in Valencia, Spain 4-8 April 2022.

The Citizens Inquiry project is led by the University of Hull (England) and has partners from Germany, Spain and Metis from Norway, whereas the ELMO (Environmental Learning through MObile devices) project is led by Metis and have partners from Greece, Italy and Spain. Metis along with the partner school from Valencia participate in both projects.


The two projects include different elements but share a common topic Climate and Sustainability. Both projects have focus on student activities, using mobile learning tools and various applications.

The purpose of the joint event in Valencia was to share the Case Studies (student activities) we have worked on with our respective students and discuss the theoretical framework for our Case studies, the so called iPac-model developed by Dr Kevin Burden (the University of Hull).

Read more here:


The Erasmus+ team of the Santa María FEMDL school in Valencia (Spain) received the European partners from Aigio (Greece), Imperia (Italy) and Bergen (Norway) on April 4 in the transnational meeting of the ELMO project. An intense and enriching week as a professional, linguistic and teaching internship exchange between all the participating partners.


The Metis team shared the activity their students from the English and Spanish elective courses have worked on, a tourist trail in Bergen with focus on sustainability, using the application Actionbound. See more about Actionbound here:

The Metis-presentation of Actionbound, inspired the Spanish team to arrange a historic tour for us round Valencia, using Actionbound. During the days in which the transnational meeting was held, the partners put into practice the Actionbound worked by the Spanish team (mobile application used to generate routes and work on classroom content through coordinates and mobile devices) around the city of Valencia. Through the use of the application, the members were able to get to know the city of Valencia, solving questions raised by the app.


During the stay in Spain, the members of the Greek, Norwegian and Spanish teams presented the case studies belonging to the project. In this way, an exchange of experiences was carried out in the classroom around the iPAC Model and the activities that can promote active citizenship in our students around environmental awareness. The partners of the other European project called Young Citizens for Change (YCC), also related to the environment, from Germany, the University of Hull and England were able to participate as an audience and share ideas and experiences.

1st ELMO Meeting in Aigio, Greece 10-13 January 2022


The Greek partner, 1st General Lyceum of Aigio, hosted the 1st transnational meeting of ELMO project partners, in Aigio.  The Italian and Spanish teams were physically present while the Norwegian team due to covid participated virtually from Bergen, Norway.

At the four-day meeting (January 10-13, 2022), we shared the 1st case study (student activities), which we had been working on since the beginning of the project. The Norwegian team presented a sustainable tourism app in Bergen developed using the Actionbound mobile app. Greek team presented augmented reality (AR) applications on the theme of the Aliki wetland developed with the mobile applications Metaversestudio, iNaturalist and

Dr. Kevin Burden, an expert in the iPAC pedagogical framework (, which is the pedagogical theory on which we base our case studies, organized a virtual workshop on the iPAC model from the University of Hull in the United Kingdom. In addition, the project's dissemination platforms such as the project website (, social media and e-Twinning were extensively discussed.

Greek school also organized cultural activities for our partners with visits to the CAVINO winery, Delphi, Kalavryta with the toothed man and Ancient Olympia.

According to the evaluation of the meeting held on the last day all partners expressed the belief that the sharing of case studies was very beneficial and the partners were inspired by each other to test new mobile applications presented during the meeting. The continuation of the program will take place between April 4 and 9, 2022, in Valencia, Spain.