
What is ELMO?

ELMO (Environmental Learning through MObile devices) is an ERASMUS+ KA229 project, which was formed by 4 partner schools (Norway, Spain, Italy, Greece) in school year 2019-2020, aimed both at using mobile technologies to transform environmental education and at enabling teachers to plan and carry out learning activities which integrate mobile technologies into their pedagogies, through the specific lens of environmental issues.  

The ELMO was approved in the summer of 2020 and officially started in October 2021 due to covid-19 situation: all the project partners are currently researching and working and will develop the results throughout the next two years. Thus, have just a little bit of patience: at the end of December 2023 all our materials will be ready to use and share! You will find all of them uploaded here in our website, which is our official channel of communication.  

At the heart of ELMO project is the belief that mobile technology presents an opportunity to create value, improve environmental education and make a genuine impact on teachers and students. Wireless education technologies allow learning to expand beyond the four walls of the classroom and the hours of the school day, so teachers can gain flexibility in how they use precious classroom minutes and how they motivate and challenge their students. In this way we believe that this project can have a genuine impact on students, teachers and communities’ environmental awareness. 


(1) To use mobile technologies to transform environmental education

(2) To enable teachers to plan and carry out learning activities which integrate mobile technologies into their pedagogies, through the specific lens of environmental issues

(3) To disseminate more widely the activities and approaches that exemplify how mobile learning technologies can be used to upgrade students’ learning abilities during educational activities


We have planned 14 monthly Skype meetings whose purpose is to peer-assess each partner´s progress with case studies (student activities) planned for the project and to evaluate each partner’s contribution to the dissemination of the project, as well as to plan each of the four LTTs.

The planned activities consist of local activities in the form of case studies, in four stages over two years and four LTT events, which mark the progression of the four stages. The case studies apply a consistent approach across nationalities, in which students become environmental auditors and use mobile technology.

Staff meetings at the partner schools: the project partners will share their experience with mobile learning methods, inviting parents and local communities. These activities will take place each term, between the Case-studies/student activities and LTTs.

In order to assess how the project’s objectives have been met, in the first stage of the project, each partner school will survey to create a baseline assessment of student´s and their families ´understanding of environmental issues in their local contexts. A survey will also be conducted of in-service and pre-service teachers’ confidence,  competence and perspectives on the use of mobile technology pedagogy.This will allow the partners to plan the provision of training and skills to be provided during the LTT activities and check that they are aligned with the needs of each partner.

Expected Results

This project is intended to have both tangible and intangible results, producing digital artefacts (at least 16 case studies of mobile learning in environmental education, YouTube channel, project website, blogs, eTwinning workspace and Social media presences) and to transform environmental education through challenging and changing habits and attitudes towards mobile learning. 


(1) Environmental knowledge of students and local community that participate in the project.

(2) Skills and knowledge of Pre-service and In-service teachers. The research of new apps and technological resources. This will allow the teachers involved to reconsider the way they present their subject and also it will provide a different emotional link with the students.

(3) Impact beyond the project organizations. At a local and regional level we anticipate the creation of local communities with similarly interested colleagues, teachers who want to use technology and have an interest in Environmental education who want to become part of a sustainable network.

Students will be the agents of sustainable change, gaining new environmental knowledge, intrinsically linked to their local geographical and community contexts. In this way, the work will be embedded in families and the local community. Our project educators will have sustainable skills and knowledge from applying our exercises of integrating mobile apps in environmental education and in-service and pre-service teachers will take part in workshops organized by project members.

So our procect will enable behavioural changes not only for the students but also for their families, teachers, and all the public that may be in contact with the development and/or results of the project. The project’s focus on mobile learning methods and tools for teaching, training, learning and assessment are clearly drivers of improvements in digital competence. The project will support the active citizenship necessary to raise awareness about the importance of the topic and the collaborative action among the partner schools, which means a development of social and intercultural competences associated with working together from different parts of Europe.