Dr. Bendoly is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Operations Management, and Fisher College of Business Distinguished Professor of Management Sciences, at the Ohio State University.  In 2024, his research was listed in the top-10 of most influential articles published in the 30-year history of the POM Journal. He is the 2015 OM Distinguished Scholar (AoM), recipient of Emory University's 2014 Crystal Apple Award for undergraduate teaching and former Associate Dean of Undergraduate Students and Programs.  He currently serves as the co-Director of the Specialized Masters in Analytics program and Management Sciences PhD Coordinator.  He also a contributing faculty member of the Sustainability Institute, Translational Data Analytics Institute and the International Institute for Analytics.

Prior to his role as Professor at OSU, Dr. Bendoly was an associate professor in Information Systems and Operations Management at Emory University’s Goizueta Business School, area coordinator for the ISOM faculty and Caldwell Research Fellow, an honorary title granted on research merit.  Before academia Dr. Bendoly worked as a research engineer for the Intel Corporation, and interned with NASA and CAM/LEM.  He holds a PhD from Indiana University in the fields of Operations Management and Decision Sciences, with an Information Systems specialization in ERP and Knowledge Management. He has served as an instructor and developer of SAP implementation and ABAP/4 programming curriculum.  More recently he has been involved with coursework on IT-supported service operations and DSS development for managers.  Click here for a recent pod-cast of his on structured decision-making and systems thinking in creative problem solving.
He has served as Technology Management Department Editor for the Journal of Operations Management and as a Senior Editor at the Production and Operations Management journal (Behavioral Operations, and Management of Technology departments) (both UTD, Business Week and Financial Times listed journals).  His own publications in JOM and POM, combined with his works in such widely respected outlets at Management Science, Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly and Journal of Applied Psychology, alone represent no less than 36 published academic articles. He has no less than an additional 38 articles in outlets including the Journal of SCM, JBL, Decision Sciences, EJOR, IJOPM and Decision Support Systems.  In 2024, his work was recognized among the Top 10 Most Influential articles in the full 30-year history of the Production and Operations Management journal. His current research interests are split between studies into the effectiveness of Operations/Strategy/IT alignment, and investigations in two general areas of focus in the Behavioral Operations domain: Collaboration/group dynamics; and Work policies/task complexity/uncertainty.
Dr. Bendoly is the author of eight books, including three editions of “Excel Basics to Blackbelt” (Cambridge Press 2020, 2013, 2008), a text on which his acclaimed elective is based (www.blackbelt-apps.com).  He is the developer of the Blackbelt Ribbon add-in, several classroom mobile applications and the prototype for enterprise student information systems (Navigator).  Dr. Bendoly has extensive experience with practical managerial data visualization and dashboard development, and is originator of the OUtCoMES Cycle for problem structuring and examination, the ‘standard convention’ in visualization, among other frameworks and guides in analysis (see www.masteringdiscovery.com )
His LinkedIn discussion forum, “Excel Basics to Blackbelt”, boasts 30,000+ members, while his forum on "Operations Management in Practice" holds 26,000.  Dr. Bendoly also runs a group on International Business Ethics, Management Visualization, and Behavioral Operations.