Furnace Maintenance

You can help your furnace last longer by doing a few things:

  • Change the air filter often. A dirty air filter can make your furnace work harder and make it less effective. During the heating season, you should change the air filter every month.

  • Keep the area around the furnace clean: Make sure the area around your furnace is clean and free of clutter. This will make the furnace work better and lower the chance of a fire.

  • Schedule annual maintenance. Having your furnace inspected and serviced by a qualified heating and cooling contractor once a year can help make sure it works well and find any problems before they get worse.

  • Upgrade to a more efficient furnace. If your furnace is over 15 years old, upgrading to a more efficient model can help it last longer by putting less stress on the system.

  • Keep the thermostat at a constant temperature. Don't turn it up and down all the time. This can cause the furnace to work harder and wear out faster.

By following these tips, you can help your furnace last longer and make sure it is working well. It's also important to pay attention to any strange sounds or smells coming from your furnace and take care of them right away to avoid problems.