Rising Sun

In the city of Rising Sun, there are 2,791 people. Cecil County has the town of Rising Sun. Living in Rising Sun provides inhabitants with a thick suburban feel, and the majority of residents are homeowners. Rising Sun is home to a large number of families, and the majority of citizens are conservative. The public schools in Rising Sun are above average in terms of academic achievement.

Rising Sun is a small town that is just getting started. New and interesting businesses have begun sprouting up. Spend time with friends and family enjoying a cup of freshly brewed coffee at a local coffee shop, stopping in at the brewery for dinner and a local beer, visiting the zoo to see the animals, or stopping at the local dairy for delicious ice cream. It's a great place for families!

Looking to experience the water of Cecil County? Rising Sun is a short drive from North East, MD and the Chesapeake Bay.

Image of Rising Sun, MD