Engaging Languages in Intercultural Virtual Exchange


The Final E-LIVE conference on October 15 is finished!
Watch the recordings of the presentations on our YouTube channel.

Visit our Virtual Café
at Babbeldam
Click here to learn more!

April 10, 2024 - Multiplier Event was a 'great success'

We finished our latest Multiplier Event for the Erasmus+ E-LIVE project (Engaging languages in intercultural virtual exchange) on April 10th on campus in Clermont-Ferrand, France with a seminar 'Designing engaging tasks for intercultural virtual exchanges'.

During the morning session, primary and secondary school teachers involved in the project from France, Spain and the Netherlands did showcase some of the virtual exchange tasks they have been using with their pupils. Two hands-on workshops were offered in the afternoon: one around task design for intercultural virtual exchange, the other focusing on using the virtual world FrameVR in virtual exchange.

Check the videos of the presentations on our WORKSHOPS & WEBINARS page.

18 October - Multiplier Event Valencia: It was amazing!

We finished our free Multiplier Event at the University in València on 18 October 2023.

Key topics were:

Watch the recordings of the live streaming below.

E-LIVE Project mission

The E-LIVE project brings together experts in the field of foreign language education, intercultural virtual exchange, teacher education, school education and technology-enhanced pedagogy from France, the Netherlands and Spain. The consortium addresses crucial digital pedagogical innovation and social needs for enhancing inclusive intercultural communicative competence development and digital literacies through the pedagogical integration of virtual exchange projects at language-teacher education institutions and schools.
Read more about the E-LIVE project mission here...

FrameVR in the Classroom


Contact  info@eliveproject.eu to get more information about the E-LIVE project