Flipped Learning


For this assignment, we were asked to create two different flipped lessons. In the first one, we searched for a video and created a flipped lesson. The second lesson was to include a video we created and use it in our flipped lesson. In addition, we focused on the components of a flipped classroom and what that would look like in the future.

ShelleyEmslieFlipped Learning Lessons


My class is changing and looking different every day! I learn something new every night and especially from this class. I know I can never go back to the way I taught before…

Flexible Learning Environment: Currently, I have a very flexible learning space, but getting more fluid with my time frames is still a work in progress. This week I had kids turning in and working on five different assignments at a time! They were all at different places in multiple assignments and it’s ok to let some kids have more time to process and demonstrate mastery.

Learning Culture: The learning culture in my room has taken a big shift this year, and I plan to continue teaching this way. I absolutely love being entrenched with my students instead of in front of my students. We do a lot more setting up the lesson and being curious about the material, then diving in, processing, and reflecting. I can honestly say, the reflection part was seriously lacking in my teaching prior to this year.

Intentional Content: Differentiating has been difficult in years past because we did not have any technology. It wasn’t until two years ago I signed my school up for GSuite and became a Google for Education Certified Trainer, so we only had textbooks! Trying to differentiate with a textbook is impossible! Now however, I have apps, EdPuzzle, GSuite Tools, and websites like Newsela where I can differentiate within seconds. My content is very deliberate now, and I will continue this quest on a daily basis.

Professional Educator: Feedback in real time has been lacking in my teaching for so long, it is almost embarrassing. I was “that” teacher who would go through the chapter, give a test, and return it a week later. Oh, it get’s even worse...we never really went over the test unless they totally bombed it! NOW HOWEVER...take today for example, we actually did a gallery walk with our timeline ideas, kids gave feedback, and we then talked about what they would do with the information. We also used Newsela’s annotations today and I was able to give feedback to them immediately.

My classroom can only move forward and stay on this path. I cannot imagine EVER going back to the way I use to teach...I WILL NEVER GO BACK!