Black History Month 

12 Trailblazing Legends 2023 


With Black British success stories being rather sparse, most of the celebrated Black Britons tend to be famous ones who have advanced in their own field through their hard work and overcoming obstacles. Often they attract attention mainly for being famous. However, this new Black History Month tribute aims to highlight people, of any colour or creed, who have made a genuine difference to the Black community with their actions in significant ways. Mary Seacole, the pioneering nurse from Jamaica who stamped her presence on the Crimean War, is the epitome of what this tribute is about. Her impressive and empowering statue outside St Thomas' Hospital (by Martin Jennings) forms part of the logo, to ensure she is always seen. 

These pen portraits are not meant to be comprehensive, but more of a snapshot to give a flavour of the real person being featured and raise awareness of their presence and activities. Feel free to suggest anyone you believe should be included in the future.

To make your impact!


if you know someone who might benefit from, or be interested in, the services.
