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Social Issues - Wellbeing 

From A Minority Perspective

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Article -1Women

According to the World Health Organisation, the average global life expectancy for women is 73.8 years, while the average life expectancy for men is 69.8 years, and this gap is wider in some countries than in others. For example, in Japan, women have a life expectancy of 87.3 years, while men have a life expectancy of 81.4 years. That’s a six year difference! 

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Article -2AttSuccess

Our personal attitude can have a significant impact on how successful we are. A positive attitude can help us to stay motivated and focused on our goals, even when things get tough. On the other hand, a negative attitude, can lead to self-doubt, procrastination, and giving up easily. 

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Article -3 Desires

What have you felt like doing today, and why did you wish to do it? 

Whatever you thought of wasn’t a random wish that just popped into your head. It would have been connected to something in your subconscious, emerging from a need of some kind (whether physical or emotional) that you felt needed fulfilment. Desires are essential to our development, our ability to create, to innovate and to grow.

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Article -4Habits

We tend to do a certain action in a certain way, which is cemented in our routine, then refuse to accept that the choice of how we act, every single day, lies with us, and we can change what we do any time we wish. Instead, we are likely to doggedly stick to negative and limiting habits that create barriers to action, and keep us stuck, especially when our self-esteem is low. 

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Article -5BoostMH

The state of your mental health can also be affected by a combination of factors. For example, if you are genetically predisposed to a mental health condition and you also experience a traumatic event, you may be more likely to develop poor health symptoms.

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Article -6JobLoss

Try to imagine what you were worried about this time last year, and the year before that, and the anxiety you might have had then. You will have a problem recalling it, or your mood, because nothing lasts for too long. Life always goes in a natural cycle of birth, growth, death, and rebirth.

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Article -7PosThink

Everything in our life has two sides to it for balance. For example, pleasure and pain, positive and negative, up and down. People find it easier to be negative because they tend to dwell in the downward or painful part, especially caused by their past experiences. They focus on things that have happened ages ago that they cannot change; things that overwhelm them, or make them feel inadequate and impotent. 

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Article -8 Confid

Try putting two people of different confidence levels together as a couple, or as a work team, and see how long they last? It would be like a continual tug of war, plagued with frustrations! 

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Article -9NonWhite

The 'Non-White' label, being very fashionable among the media, too, has become a shorthand for relegating visible minorities to a subset of White personnel, not capable of standing on their own, or being recognised in their own right.

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Article -10RaceEmp

That brief potted history sounds harmless enough, but the reality of Britain's Empires is really rather different. In fact, the British Empire meant two entirely different things to the Black and White people who shared it. 

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Article -11LearnIdent

Personally speaking, it took me 10 years after arriving in Britain to actually 'feel' British. Until then, I strongly resisted getting a British passport, despite my ex-husband's constant encouragement. I was always yearning for Jamaica at every opportunity, with strong loyalties to match. 

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Article - P1Disappointment

Motivating Yourself When You Feel Disappointed

Every new day we experience, no matter what form it takes, is a crucial part of that journey. It means no matter what we do, we should not see that as the be-all or end-all of our existence but another notch in the journey of life, which is crucial for our progress. We should give thanks for the opportunities, learn from them, and quickly move on to some more.

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