Mr. Reynold Abner Gadaun

Message from the Principal

I would like to welcome you to our new page. I am thrilled to present you with an updated and improved online experience.  Our team has been working hard to create a website that everyone can access. 

With this new link, we hope to design better communication and engagement among all of us.  We have implemented several features to facilitate effective communication:  

We believe that open and effective communication is the cornerstone of a thriving community, and we are dedicated to providing you with all the necessary information for your benefit.  We appreciate your continued support and are excited to embark on this new chapter of enhanced communication together. 

Upcoming Elementary Section Events

Recent News

Elementary School Lists of Things to Prepare/Buy/Bring for Summer 2024

Dear Parents,

Please refer to the following files for your children's summer preparation. Supplies will be available to purchase at U-shop.

Posted: April 5, 2024

Update: April 5, 2024

General Expectations for Grade 2 Students Transitioning to Grade 3