$10 million in debt

With over a combined 100 years of service, our Whitehall council opponent-incumbents Glenn Nagy, Phil Lahr, and Bob McKown think that they know what is best for our 75 year Whitehall Borough. Let's take a look as to what they've done and how they've spent taxpayer money.

BETWEEN The intermingled pool+firehall debt and the Doverdale debt due, Whitehall is $10 million in the red.

Even if you don't vote, it is the money of the people. Many of us, like me, have senior parents in Whitehall. We grew up in Whitehall. We chose Whitehall as adults to raise our families. My son is going to Whitehall Elementary. 

Thus, there are 3 generations of the people of Whitehall who are impacted by the decisions.

The two documents were very telling concerning how Whitehall got into $10 million in debt



Alarming highlights:

With just a little math, $3.3 million + $7.5 million = 10.8 million in debt

Our interest rates are low but that does not quite get is even to $10 million in the hole

This was all a single source bid at the hand of Bob McKown, CPA with his friends at Westbanco. No municipal bonds which tend to have less fees were considered.
